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f3 gilbert
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Handy, thanks for compiling this :)
Black Friday Tech
180+ curated Black Friday deals in tech 💸

f3 gilbert
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This is well thought-out, with some nice features. One that I appreciated was the darker theme when trying to negotiate a meeting time in the middle of the night! ("Can we pellleeaasssseeee make this 1 hour later?!") Great app!

Chronos – Master of Time
Time zone converter, meeting scheduler + video conferencing

f3 gilbert
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Nice one - does this work with multiple screens? (specifically, USB-connected non-Apple ones, eg Asus MB168)

Colored light filter, screen dimmer & brightness control

f3 gilbert
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Great app, nicely done!

A small app that boosts your Mac's battery by 20%

f3 gilbert
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Oh that's a shame this was April Fools - those photos were actually really good!

Modern stock photography for the lives we really live

f3 gilbert
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This looks great, nice one with the design, definitely looks better than the thing mentioned - but their onboarding may be worth a look. There's no need to sign up team members or enter timezones, it just pulls that all from Slack.
Great work, I'm going to email the team to sign up!

Teleport Sundial 2.0
Your remote team's locations, time zones and availability

f3 gilbert
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I use Airmail 2 every day - it's a great app, although I find search leaves me hanging for about 20 secs each time (I usually have a gmail window open just to do search). It is really fast for knocking through emails. Biggest feature that would be awesome for me is something like Boomerang - ie. being able to say 'Send this in 2 days at 9am'.

Airmail 2.0
Designed for Yosemite with lightning fast performance

f3 gilbert
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Nice, knowing the quality that @robwalling and team create, this will be a great read!

Email Marketing: A Beginner's Guide
Master email marketing with these 3 short ebooks from Drip.

f3 gilbert
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Yes! The idea of separation from the tracking app is great, I don't want to always push out images but the occasional 'donut comparison' could help motivate me to not eat them, and motivate some buddies to join for a run.

Running by Gyroscope
Create beautiful sharable images for your runs

f3 gilbert
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Awesome idea :)

Nomad House Retreats
Retreats with other like minded digital nomads