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Heron's AI lets you bulk upload, automatically classify and rename documents with your own custom naming template or schema.

Smart Bulk File Renamer
Automatically rename files based on their content

Like Cassandra - the Trojan prophetess - you can now use Heron Data to make true predictions about the future. Unlike Cassandra, our predictions are trained and tested against thousands of datapoints and specifically relate to the future of small businesses.

Heron Data: Cassandra
Predict company events from bank data, starting with NSFs

Turn PDF bank statements into parsed transactions + insights in seconds. No human-in-the-loop. Fraud detection.
Join 100+ B2B Lenders and Fintechs turning PDFs into cash-based P&Ls with Heron Data.

Bank Statement Parsing & Fraud Detection
Instantaneous bank statement PDF parsing and fraud detection