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Matt Carroll
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I am working on a personal finance app so take my response with a grain of salt.My goals are pretty similar to yours and the app I build more or less checks all of these boxes:To see trends over time on category spend, expenses, income, net worth ✅Integrates via Plaid to all banks ✅ (though some banks are still unavailable as it takes time for them to approve you)Doesn't sell my data to credit...
What's the best personal finance app?
steve beyatte
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Matt Carroll
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Have you had success with guerrilla marketing?
I'm learning (slowly) about the importance of marketing your product. (I am probably one of todays 10,000 around guerrilla marketing)So last night I hacked together to see if it could drive some leads for my product. I'm going to launch the playful tool next monday and use this thread to give a plot synopsis on how it all goes. Prior to launch though, I'm curious if...

Matt Carroll
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A feature that would be nice (that i do manually) is "prune" dead cells. i.e I deployed the project, but there are 20 cells that I was experimenting with and ultimately didn't use. It would be nice to be able to prune those.
Best ways to fight dashboard chaos?
Alex Gap
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Matt Carroll
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i like this stats page idea! hopefully you get some big numbers in there soon :)
Built My Entire Website Using — Here’s What Happened (And What It Cost Me)
Sai Tharun Kakirala
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Matt Carroll
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@Moonlander to be honest! I've had it for years, but this year i finally realized just how much better it is to write code with the posture that a split keyboard provides. It's pretty hard for me to work on my regular mac keyboard now that i'm this acclimated!
Shout out your favorite new product you absolutely love using (that’s not yours)
steve beyatte
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Matt Carroll
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awesome! psyched to see you back out in these streets and grinding the user feedback. I love the 'we will name a feature after you' meta. really funny.keep building, fun to watch!
Big Update from Flare – New Features & Exclusive Offer! 🚀
Alex McCain
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Matt Carroll
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I have a note on my phone where i record some weights / reps with a shorthand i came up with years ago. I use it from time to time, but it's all pretty ad hoc. gets the job done for me :)
What fitness app do you use the most, and why? 🏃🏻♂️
David Manda
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Matt Carroll
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I have . i really wanted to make a tool that let you 1. put in your salary2. click big poop emoji anytime you are pooping while working3. determine how much you get paid to poop each year4. (optional) cta to donate 1% of your paid pooping to charity
What's the weirdest domain name you own or used to own?
Aaron O'Leary
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Matt Carroll
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cool to see the forums come to life. i thought the AMA was quite good (though i dont normally enjoy the format too much if im being honest)
🏆 Top Community Forum Members This Week 🏆
Jake Crump
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Matt Carroll
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Very interesting. thanks for the transparency. I would consider that pretty solid, but im not sure how high intent your traffic normally is. do you normally do better than .5% conversion on your landing page? Do you have a preexisting "outreach" mechanism, or did you just silently launch with no real activation? congrats for launching either way!
We placed 3rd on Product Hunt and earned $543
Alexander Belogubov
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Matt Carroll
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Img import that breaks down the image.
I would love to be able to do this:-take a screen shot of a page (check)-paste it into figma (check)-click a button that makes "components" out of the obvious things on the page, like buttons, text, etc. -do some editing of the text, change some colors, etc. is there a plugin or a setting i'm missing that makes this easy? I haven't found anything with some cursory searching. I am a total figma...

Matt Carroll
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This is cool! i'm a moonlander user, but i'm finding my switches are a bit more resistant than I currently want. Are the magnetic switches available as a standalone? I'm not prepared to give up the current form factor, as the split is a noticeable tendonitis reliever for me personally. Also wish I had seen this sooner, was just looking for a vert mouse. wound up going with an MX, but I like the...
Lemokey L5 HE
The Ultimate Magnetic Gaming Keyboard

Matt Carroll
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let it blaze
🚨 Landing Page Roast: 48 Hours Only 🚨
Aaron O'Leary
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Matt Carroll
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I personally use @Trello for my "life" board. this has oil changes for my car, reminders to handle something for my mom, etc. basically something i wont do in the next 24 hours but is a discrete task.for my personally projects, I put a readme or todo file in the code itself, then just add / remove items there as I ship the features:At $day_job I send messages in my "chat with myself" in slack...
Startups using Linear - is it a company wide project mgmt system, or do you use other tools too?
Leeann Trang
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Matt Carroll
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what are the standard ways for tracking vo2? I used to use the "nose breathing threshold" to partition my workouts into aerobic capacity (which i learned in Training for the New Alpinism: A Manual for the Climber as Athlete), but i'm not really sure if thats the same metric. maybe a better question is, how does VO2 info inform your workouts beyond a tautology of "you should be working out more"
Why you should be tracking your VO2 max - and how to do it better
David Manda
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Matt Carroll
left a comment is also pretty hot right now! I have no real experience with any of these beyond chrome and firefox, which more or less just feel like a choice of personal dogma. the arc security blunder would personally give me a lot of pause about using it. Honestly, I hadn't ever heard of horse, but it seems interesting. chromium based, which means extensions should more or...
Help me quit Chrome
Jake Crump
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Matt Carroll
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how have you thought about pivoting as a company? It seems like graphite started as a PR stacking tool, but now is maybe firmly (or maybe not?) into the AI code review space. was the cli a wedge to get into the space, or were you finding that the growth potential is just much more promising in the "outer loop" you mentioned?
You're doing code reviews wrong - AMA w/ CEO of Graphite
Merrill Lutsky
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Matt Carroll
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The post-roast dessert -- tell us what you're proud of
There have been a few threads in the past week or so asking for roasts:...