What's the weirdest domain name you own or used to own?
Weird domain names are the unsung heroes of the internet. I used to own pollinate dot me. Basically I was drunk and thought a dating app based on people that liked to garden was a good idea
Weird domain names are the unsung heroes of the internet. I used to own pollinate dot me. Basically I was drunk and thought a dating app based on people that liked to garden was a good idea
Tab Slayer
I have https://purposefulpoop.com/ . i really wanted to make a tool that let you
1. put in your salary
2. click big poop emoji anytime you are pooping while working
3. determine how much you get paid to poop each year
4. (optional) cta to donate 1% of your paid pooping to charity
Tab Slayer
with something like bolt.new i could probably make this in like 10 minutes, so I really should do this and launch it. and i can probably even use it to direct traffic to one of my other projects...
going to try to hammer this out tomorrow. will report back to this thread with an update!
Product Hunt
@catt_marroll hahaha simple and delightful. You should totally vibe code this.
Tab Slayer
Only you can help make a purposeful poop the product of the day on march 31st!
Tab Slayer
Let's take this to the moon! We are live!
I bought urifans.com but in my defense it was a defensive maneuver, my friend convinced me he was about to buy it and I had to get there first
Product Hunt
@uri_bram1 this is the exact kind of competitiveness i live for lmao!
Product Hunt
@uri_bram1 tempted to buy urienemies.com ...
Product Hunt
Product Hunt
reallybouncyballs.com - I felt like there was a gap in the market for selling extremely bouncy balls...haven't executed on it...yet
Plandemicmusical.com. Bought during the 45 minutes in which I was going to write a satirical broadway musical about how Bill Gates really did start covid. Obviously can't let it expire.
Product Hunt
@steveb you need to make this musical
Product Hunt
I have microschooled.com. Not as weird as it is epic. Bought it when I worked at Prenda, the OG micro school company.
Milestone Content Studio
The first domain name I ever bought was back in 2003. the-spark-plug.com was supposed to be a forum designed to compete with warriorforums and no one told me hyphens are a bad idea. Life is a good teacher.
ahahahah this one is amazing
Warmup Inbox
acolyte-des-illustres.fr "acolyte des illustres" is the official translation of "Follower" but the term never took of.
Probably sua.ist and dsgn.lv (design love 💕🤷♂️).
Bad ideas make great campfire stories. Keep that domain—your future gardening cult awaits. 😂 Who else has a shelved URL that deserves a comeback tour?
mouthful )
I have boringmemo.com, a marketing memo for makers :)