I write most code in spacemacs (I sometimes use vs code). Spacemacs is a great blend of "wheels included" and hackable. The leader mode paradigm paired with inline command discoverability menus makes it incredibly productive to learn. Its easy to become productive in the environment. Vs code is also great, and I have my instance of vs code setup to emulate as many of the spacemacs features as possible.
Use vscode if you want your peers to look at your IDE and understand, use spacemacs if you want to feel like "you've been around this block and seen some things"
TLDR emacs is amazing and spacemacs makes it really easy to use start using emacs.
Spacemacs is an incredibly clean extension of the greatest operating system ever :)
the "everything is editable text" world is so obviously useful once you learn to work with it, it makes some many actions in VScode feel laborious.