David Manda

David Manda

Building a longevity-focused workout app


tldr: I am building a smart workout tracker and planner that uses the latest research to help you live longer. Hi! I am working hard on making exercise and longevity science accessible to the general public. The past couple decades have brought a much better understand of the key pillars of a healthy life, yet this information is slow to be put into action. I am hoping to change this by building a mobile and smartwatch app that makes it simple to understand how you should structure your physical activity, if your goal is longevity. It's a all in one app: planner, tracker and optimiser for all your workouts. I started building the Movitalis app for my family and I, but it has now grown to more than 1000 users. I am hoping to now reach a broader audience through Product Hunt.




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Gone streaking 10
Gone streaking
Gone streaking
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Gone streaking 5