David Manda

4h ago

Why you should be tracking your VO2 max - and how to do it better

Hi all! Movitalis is launching soon and I want to talk about one of the most important but under appreciated fitness indicators: VO2 max.

While it did become more popular lately it is still not widely known that VO2 max is an amazing indicator of overall health and predictor of longevity. In this study of over 1 million participants, a low VO2 max was linked with a 3-5x increase in overall mortality. This is an amazing finding as VO2 max is something we can increase through regular exercise, especially if done correctly.

Movitalis is a fitness app that helps you train optimally for increasing your VO2 max and is tailored towards longevity, not performance! I feel like regular people for whom training is not their only focus should get the attention they deserve.

I now want to hear your thoughts:

  • Are you familiar with what VO2 max is?

  • Are you tracking it?

  • Would you consider Movitalis to help you on your fitness journey?
