Official ask-me-anything conversations with notable guests
Eric Simons

12d ago

AMA w/ CEO of Bolt - from $0 to $20M and how we almost didn't make it

Live Feb 28th, 9am PT - drop your questions!

Hi everyone, CEO of Bolt here! Super excited to open up about our journey and offer any learnings and stories I can to help other makers on their journey. Within a span of 2 months we've grown to $20M in revenue and were recently featured in NYT as paving the way for vibe coding.

Every decision can turn into a pivotal one for a start up, but you have to keep iterating and trust your gut. Feel free to AMA about bolt's journey, vibe coding, what we have in store, and how other makers can learn from bolt's past (and rapidly evolving future).


23d ago

🇪🇺 eu/acc AMA: How can we save Europe?

👋 Hi Product Hunters!

I'm here today not to launch a product, but in a way for something much more interesting: to talk about eu/acc 😊

For the last decade, I was digital nomading and living in different places all around the world. While the places where I lived abroad, like Asia and America, were getting more ambitious and modern every time I visited them, Europe, and especially Western Europe, started to feel stagnant to me.

Of course, that was one of the reasons why I left Europe in the first place. When I said I wanted to be an entrepreneur after graduating university, I was laughed at even by my university classmates who studied business! It was "safer" to get a job for a big corporation and get experience first. Then you could start a business later.

And when I finally had my own internet business that was making thousands per month, I remember telling people in Amsterdam, and they'd ask me "when are you going to get a real job?".

This was a stark difference from when I was abroad and told people what I did. People were excited, supportive and wanted to learn to do the same thing.

Every year that I came back to Europe the culture felt more stagnant, more pessimistic, and more normie.

Of course there was great things about Europe for me pulling me back: my parents and brothers live here, and when I ended up in Portugal during COVID, I loved the nature, the clean air and the laid-back coastal surf village life and ended up moving here.

And that brought me to an interesting point: seeing where the rest of the world was going, as a European, while seeing Europe slowly getting worse. It became harder and harder to build a startup here. And we started seeing this in losing any lead we had in technology in the last decade. The big tech and AI companies are now all in the US and China, there's very few left in Europe:

The insane regulation that the EU brought upon everyone I think directly caused this:


  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

  • Digital Services Act (DSA)

  • Digital Markets Act (DMA)

  • ePrivacy Regulation

  • The AI Act

  • ...and many more

Which all had good intentions, but made it very difficult to comply as a small or medium business owner. Sure if you're a billion dollar corporation, you can hire bookkeepers and lawyers to comply. But if you're a one-man or small startup?

Last year around April, the data finally started showing what I felt for over decade, Europe was in fact struggling and for the reasons that I felt in my gut:

I felt we had to at least try do something to change the mindset in Europe. I started eu/acc, European Accelerationsim as an offshoot of e/acc, Effective Accelerationsim, a similar movement by Beff Jezos in the United States. Out with the pessimism about the future, and in with optimism about technology and the future. And in particular in eu/acc's case: draw attention to the problems of Europe and propose practical ways to fix them.

eu/acc is a movement to deregulate and save Europe

Thousands of people have now crowdsourced tens of thousands of ideas of which the most important ones have now become part of the official eu/acc manifesto on

And it hasn't just stopped there: eu/acc's ideas are part of Mario Draghi's European Competitiveness report which was presented to the European Commission in September 2024 and implemented in January 2025 by Ursula von der Leyen as the European Competitiveness Compass.

Of course that's just reports. We need actual action and laws changed to make Europe a great place for people and business again. And to guarantee its economic future.

One of the most important components is not regulation, but deregulation: remove regulation that makes it impossible for tech entrepreneurs, startups and companies in Europe to do business and compete with the rest of the world.

Because Europeans are highly skilled, highly educated, they have great ideas, and many are actually ambitious. They're just stifled by regulation and as a consequence a culture that has slowly become so risk-averse that it's been starting to self-sabotage its future.

Europe can be great, so let's make it that again! 😊

Today I'd love to answer your questions, and I'd even more love to hear YOUR ideas on how to save Europe!

-A proud 🇪🇺 European

Follow @euaccofficial to get updates

Joshua Voydik

13d ago

📣 AMA w/ Consumer AI Founder (Hero Stuff) — going 0-1, raising capital, and cracking distribution

Hey guys, I'm Joshua Voydik, CEO and co-founder of Hero Stuff — the fastest way to sell anything online.

We use AI to scan, price, and list stuff for sale in seconds.

This time last year we had no product, no money... just ideas and relentless determination to build something meaningful & beautiful.

We saw how AI was radically transforming everything, and we realized that we could use it to help us with our own problems: to sell stuff. At the core of what we're building is the everyday consumer like you.

Everyone said consumer was dead, but I knew in my heart that consumer was ripe. I believed back then and even more firmly now that the real value in AI is at the application layer.

Maybe, just maybe, we could build an AI-first, mobile-first application that people would use (...and they are).

Since then we ended up raising some capital from amazing investors like @andreasklinger @benln @esthercrawford @cyantist & many others. Built our core product, which is live in the market and we're iterating fast. We're running constant growth experiments.

This is my first consumer app, my first CEO role. I've learned a ton:

- Velocity > Perfection

- Ship fast, Learn faster

- Leadership is about ownership

Startups are a constant battle w/ self-worth. High highs, low lows. but worth it. Just make art, build cool stuff, get the word out, & keep trying until it works.


Andreas Klinger

27d ago

LET'S FIX EUROPE FOR STARTUPS – AMA with Andreas Klinger & EU-Inc

Hi, I'm Andreas Klinger, investor at Prototype Capital and former CTO of Product Hunt.


We (the @euinc_petition crew) is on Monday again in Brussels. We want your input beforehand.

What questions about EU-Inc do you have?

What ideas have you got to improve Europe for Startups?

What feedback or suggestions do you have?

Want to know how you can help?

Europe won't fix itself and it's only impossible until someone simply does it. So, let's do stuff.

What is EU-Inc:A new pan-European legal entity for startups.

By addressing regulatory fragmentation, EU-Inc seeks to radically simplify founding and pan-European funding of European startup as well as and standardize employee equity options—empowering European startups to scale across Europe and globally. With over 15,000 signatures from the biggest European founders, VCs, and policymakers, this initiative is shaping the future of innovation in Europe.

Filip Kozera

22d ago

AMA - how to craft a launch strategy that will break Product Hunt

Hi everyone! We're hosting the AMA LIVE on X (Twitter) and will be answering questions posted on the Forum during the Live.Join the Live X session here: while back we launched @Wordware and broke Product Hunt during our launch.

We're here to share bits of wisdom from our launch strategy, answer launch questions you may have, and even help point you in the right direction for the launch day!

Pascal Pixel

1mo ago

AMA w/ Maker of the Year, Pascal Pixel! (ノ°∀°)ノ⌒💫
you probably know me from horse, but i’ve been tinkering with design and html since the game boy color first came out! before i even learned to code, i was making wallpapers & windows xp themes trying to win "daily deviation" awards on deviantart. when i *did* learn to code i built a pokémon battle with jquery right after coding my first working rock-paper-scissors game—just so i could do battles on my kindle. later, i designed poolside fm’s (now poolsuite) iconic icons, launched johto mono (formerly “pokémon-font”) on product hunt, and kept making weird & fun experiments with design + ux at their core thanks to the power of ai, i went from building websites to building a browser. horse is built with electron, and we’re currently pushing hard to get extension support merged ( with the hope that once that happens, we’ll see a wave of other niche browsers that help so many people i say "help", because i could never get anything done with normal browsers, until i made horse, and to my surprise, i found that it's because i have adhd, and horse also helps other people with adhd—letting them switch topics, come back to things later, and actually follow up. i’m currently working on getting recommendations from therapists who are seeing how much horse helps their clients ask me anything—why i made horse, what being a super cool guy feels like, or whatever else you’re curious about! i’ll be around all day answering questions (´・ᴗ・ ` )