
Which of the Product Hunt metrics matter to you the most?

I’ve noticed that the purpose of people on Product Hunt is always different. Of course, the vast majority want to become the Product of the Day, Week, Month, or Year (or win Kitty Awards).

However, some are there for the community and their success metrics may lie in something else (e.g. the number of discussions created and rated).

Which of the following metrics are you here for? Or, which do you place the most/least importance on?

• 🥇 Become the top Product (Day, Week, Month, Year)

• 🏆 Win Kitty Awards in some category

• 🏹 To hunt the biggest amount of products

• 💬 To create the best-performing discussions

• 🪙 Collect Kitty Points

• 🎖️ Collect PH badges

• 🔥 Hit the highest PH Streak

• 👤 Grow follower count

• 👀 Anything else (add)

Tell your intention in the comments.

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Yan Bingbing

Cuz we are about to launch a totally brand-new product on PH, the Top 1 of daily rank seems provide the max benefits for us to attract users. Our team prepare for it in details recently. But I also believe gaining good reputation among fans will support our product a long way in future.


I definitely stay for a long term approach. Because you will probably launch many times in the future! :)


@rick_fan How do you approach that? How are you trying to get there? Exact steps?

Rick Fan

@busmark_w_nika This is exactly the question I've been wondering about, the pH has been fluctuating too much lately.


@rick_fan When I wanted to get there, I tried to observe the best performing launches and reached out to the founders :D


@rick_fan @busmark_w_nika That's a very useful tactic thanks for sharing! For me the main metric would be to become a top product with an engaged following that mutually support each other.


@rick_fan @luke_arwayda are you planning to launch? :)

Launching soon!

Most important for me personally would definitely be stiving to become the top product of any length as well as grow product followers


@gerome24 I have my fingers crossed for you! What day are you going to launch? :)

Launching soon!

@busmark_w_nika thank you I appreciate that and I'm planning to launch by the end of the month do you have any suggestions on what day? I was thinking a Wednesday

Nafis Salauddin
@gerome24 hey Gerome, new on PH. Any idea how I can grow my product followers? Not looking to launch anytime soon. Just want a few people to follow my product to offer insights

@gerome24 I would also suggest Wednesday or Thursday.

Della Theresia
Mostly become the top Product and then hunt the biggest amount of product, those two really important 👍

What do you see as the benefit when you launch so many products?

Kaloian Toshev

Most days: 🏹 To hunt the biggest amount of products
Recently: 🥇 Become the top Product (Day, Week, Month, Year)


@mzkvisuals Why hunting became your strategy? Is it a part of the business? :)

Kaloian Toshev

@busmark_w_nika haha no it's not. I just enjoy exploring new products and staying up to date with whats new

Kay Kwak
Launching soon!

Making new friends. There are many familiar faces, so even though I've never actually met them, I feel a sense of closeness.


Are you so extroverted? :D

David Manda
Become the top Product would be really sweet, as well as grow follower count for future launches. I am pretty new here and actually unsure what Kitty Awards are. I plan to launch a major update of my workout tracker this month. Do you have any tips on getting accustomed to PH before then?

@movitalis_david_manda I would recommend to launch on social media first, collect first users' feedback and improve the app. Then launch on PH and ask current users to upvote.

David Manda
@busmark_w_nika i have already launched the product on social media where I have a decent following already. I have some users of the product and feeback. I am now launching a big update that I have been testing with some beta testers. Do you recommend launching this update on social media first as well?

@movitalis_david_manda I would go for social media first because you can have more exposure and also create awareness.


For my app, it was definitely about getting exposure and new users, so naturally, Product of the Day was a big goal. But beyond that, just having more people discover and try it out was the real win. When it comes to the forums, though, it’s more about exchanging ideas, helping out, and just being part of the conversation. I’ve actually found a lot of useful insights here that I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. What’s the most important metric for you? Do you focus more on product launches, community engagement, or something else entirely?


@hussein_r thank you for sharing your intentions. :) To be honest, my interests have been changing over time. At the moment, it is more about building community and create those discussions every day to be present with people. :)

Effie Jia

Reaching the top product is indeed every founder's dream!

Though I'm relatively new here, I'm truly enjoying the vibrant exchanges in this community.

For content creators like myself, building influence through meaningful interactions is crucial. My goal is to spark the best-performing discussions that deliver value to makers and enthusiasts through thought-provoking insights, connecting experts, or amplifying underrated innovations.

James Cooper

Becoming the top product on Product Hunt is definitely what we dream of achieving, but it’s really hard to accomplish. So, I usually try to increase my own engagement to gain more followers, which in turn will bring some exposure to the product in the future.

I think the least important thing may be collecting PH badges, as I haven’t found what they can bring for me. However, it’s always a pleasure to gain a new badge.


I like how you think about these things. I used to be the same: "When I have more followers/subscribers, they will notice my product." – which can be true but I shifted my approach to be more community-oriented.


I'm just here to connect with the community, collect Kitty Points, but most importantly, I'm here to learn.

Fahad Mehfuz

As a small self-funded software company that just launched, our main goal on Product Hunt is getting honest feedback from real users. Right now, we're not worried about streaks or badges. What really matters is:

People using our product – Are folks actually trying what we built and finding it helpful?

Conversations – The feedback we get here helps us make our product better.

Getting noticed – As a small team without much money for ads, Product Hunt is one of the few places where people can find us naturally.

Winning Product of the Day would be awesome, but our bigger goal is making something people truly love and need.


@fufuman13 Do you ask for feedback in DMs? :) Or how do you approach to that?

Fahad Mehfuz

@busmark_w_nika Mostly yes, we've done that a lot. Giving a personal touch really helps, instead of asking for feedback in a forum. Using linkedin to do this.
We've also done dedicated outreach to specialists in particular fields related to marketing and tech to get some expert opinions.
As we scale, we're trying to build ways in which users can give feedback while using the tool (chatbots, widgets, etc. )
We're also implementing tools which help us gauge user behaviour on our tool like microsoft clarity, mixpanel, etc.

Rohan Chaubey
Launching soon!

Making new maker friends. My best friend and I met on Product Hunt. :)


@rohanrecommends Have you ever met In real life with them? :) This is something I would like to do at least once in my life. So many "recurring" faces here that I have that need to meet them IRL :)

Rohan Chaubey
Launching soon!

@busmark_w_nika yes, I have met three founders / makers from Product Hunt IRL. I plan to meet more whenever a meaningful opportunity arises. :)

Wish we were in same country, we could host a meet-up for local PH folks. :)

Shifa Rehman
Launching soon!

🥇 Become the top Product of the Day
Participate in tech related discussions

Dmitry Mishunin

to create meaningful discussions and connect with the community. While winning awards or becoming a top product is great, I value the insights and feedback from engaging with others the most. How about you?


When are you about to launch? My goal is not have a top product atm, it is more about community for me :)

Maria-Cristina Muntean

As we focus to launch Yahini on PH in Q2, top priority would be to become the top Product of the day.

However... (and it's a huge however :D), from speaking with tons of founders, I figured there's no need to put so much pressure on a first launch, when we can re-launch with new versions and new features.

So I'm trying to learn as I go, testing strategies, and not planning to become Product of the day but still aiming to reach that.

Just with much less pressure :)

Also, tons of people in the comments say they want more PH followers - is there any benefit in that?


@mia_k1 I would say that launching more times is a good strategy because you give your product and your brand a chance to be visible more. :)

When it comest to PH followers – the more you have, the better because anytime you launch something, they receive notifications about that fact.

Nafis Salauddin
New here. But I can already see the value. I’d like some followers and build a community so that I can get some beta users as well as test their products. :)

@nafissalauddin That's actually neat approach! :)

Marc Milberg
Top product for sure.

Become the top product for brand visibility and SEO.

To be honest, I didn't expect Product Hunt to actually bring in paying customers.


@bonvisions I hope that you will achieve that milestone (Product of the day) :)

Ajin Sunny

I think if you try to acheive 💬 To create the best-performing discussions

You will eventually become 🥇 Become the top Product (Day, Week, Month, Year)