Tanmay M

Product Hunt is good, but here are 5 alternatives for it πŸš€


1 Beta Page https://betapage.co https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FYQDFaVVsAAiJsn.jpg 2 Steam Hunt http://steemhunt.com https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FYQDGBVVUAE5oIU.jpg 3 Launching Next https://www.launchingnext.com https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FYQDGtoVEAE4fPA.jpg 4 Beta List https://betalist.com https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FYQDHhyVsAEGR4D.jpg 5 Hacker News http://hackernews.com https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FYQDIOhUcAEBgBe.jpg

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Thanks. I am new here, so very much appreciated.
Tanmay M
Thank you everyone for reading this thread πŸ˜ƒ If you want to read the original thread click here πŸ‘ˆ
Roberto Morais
@tanmaymakode great list. Do you have any experience with them that you can share? Which one would you recommend on those five? I would love another indie hacker community to join (only using PH and private discord groups at the moment).
Tanmay M
@robertomorais Betalist is the best option, But actually here's a secret, If your product is successful on PH it would automatically get listed on some platforms, This happened to me when I launched flipclock . It was automatically listed on launchingnext. Which was really amazing
Laura Ciccone
@robertomorais @tanmaymakode That's really great to know! thanks for sharing the info. Do you actively engage with any, or use them more for promotion?
Tanmay M
@robertomorais @laura_a_ciccone I actually don't engage much, Just use it sometimes for promotions, My main focus is PH now
Brenna Donoghue
Such a great list. Thanks! Does anyone have experience launching across multiples all at once? Or is it better to concentrate energy into one launch at a time?
Akram Quraishi
My experience with some of the above: Beta Page: Easy to get listed. Not a lot of traffic. Betalist: It used to have enormous traffic earlier. But recently we listed on our of product and did not get so much traffic. However, the quality of traffic is good. Hacker News: You can post a "Show HN" or "Ask HN" asking for feedback on your Product or landing page. Don't expect traffic or conversions. But you can get great feedback.
Marco Ancona
Thanks, great list πŸ‘
Fiona Chin
thanks for sharing
Olivier TolΓ©dano
Thanks for sharing
Jonathan Massabni
Wow thanks Tanmay! πŸ”₯
Gaurav Goyal
This is a great list Tanmay. Thanks for sharing.
Piotr Bartoszek
Hey @tanmaymakode πŸ‘‹ Nice list, maybe you could have a look at my side project Owwly (https://owwly.com)? We do the same thing and present products in clean and tidy form :)
Tony Yan
thanks for your sharing
Sandra Djajic
Thanks for sharing this Tanmay!
Rich Watson
Great post, thanks for the info. Surprised they even approved of this topic.. I've had some denied for less
Mark Prutskiy
Thanks for the list! Did you get from them traffic?
Marta Marchuk
Thank you
Ahmed Gaber
Thanks, really helpful list.
dhanilan m.s.
thanks for the list
Nik Hazell
Interesting! I've found Beta list and Beta page to both be pretty sterile communities. Anyone had more positive experiences?
Mirena Vasileva
I would probably add Indie Hackers to this, too! Very easy to use, similar to PH