Kiran Kanakadandi (

Employee experience/engagement/retention: your views

Employee experience is typically administered and owned by HR in companies, using broad-based HR tools, but in reality, employee experience in determined significantly by their manager. I believe the manager is the one who needs to be empowered and held accountable for engagement/retention. I'd love to know what you think: who should own employee experience? PS: please comment on efficacy of tools/processes you've seen. Thanks!

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Avi 🤝
@kirank5a you have a valid point, but it cannot be a choice, IMO A manager's role in EX is critical, but the manager doesn't control many levers for EX, some important levers being pay, rewards and "systems/processes" for performance management and recognition. Left to functional managers, these imp processes would become extremely ad-hoc, error-prone and cause a lot of heartburn, spoiling EX. Take VenEx for example, a product we just launched to this community where we're working on the 'employee ownership' aspect of employee experience, engagement and retention. We cannot possibly depend on functional managers to evaluate and deploy solutions like these. Just my 2 cents. Interesting topic though. Would love to know more thoughts.
Kiran Kanakadandi (
@avi_agr -- thanks for writing Avi -- fair point. And since my post from 3 months ago, I agree even more that adoption of processes from manager up is a non-starter. We're building an HRTech startup ( to help Employee Retention and been course-correcting as we go: we still believe the manager plays a big role and our product plans are still centred around the manager, but adoption is via HR after all. BTW, VenEx looks interesting: can I know what stage of a startup you're recommend it for?