Where women in tech can talk about whatever we want.
There's a trend in tech that when women start talking about stuff that impacts us, suddenly a storm blows up, usually kicked off by men. It goes from just trying to share a perspective to having to defend ourselves, explain ourselves, etc etc. I've never had to do that in Leap. It's amazing !!!!!!
Pros:We can talk about anything we want with others who empathise. Refreshing to speak my mind without having to debate or justify my opinions.
Cons:None so far, just hope it keeps growing and gets more global reach.
I've been watching Leap grow over the last year, and love seeing its evolution. I've also become legitimate friends w/ a few women that I've met through Leap. I wish this existed years ago, when I first entered the tech scene in San Francisco. Thank you, Cadran!
Pros:Diverse topics, great networking opportunity, inspiring demonstrations of women helping women.
Cons:There honestly aren't cons. Of course, the community will improve as more members join, which is inevitable given the quality of the forum.
I work at Y Combinator
Pros:Great community of women talking about real issues as well as the small things in life.
Cons:Community still growing, so looking forward to seeing how it changes as it expands
I actually love LEAP, even though I have been a user for few weeks, I have already interacted quite a lot. I'm saying this knowing that I have been member of several female founders group on Facebook but I don't interact as much. That's maybe because I felt too exposed or uncomfortable. On LEAP, it feels so natural and I love to share , ask questions and get advice direct or indirect from women in the same situation I'm in as an early stage founder. I can't wait for it to grow more !
Pros:It feels natural to interact with everyone, topics are super interesting yet diverse, Simple UI yet super effective! Love it!
Cons:I don't see any. I thought the notifications emails would bother me but I actually love getting them and be updated on the topics I like!
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