Jesse Middleton

WeWee by WeWork - Merging technology and the custodial arts.

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Ben Kessler
@andythegiant @solfrombrooklyn that season of Curb Your Enthusiasm is some of the best television ever made. Truly incredible. We think George would be a huge fan of WeWee.
Sol Weinreich
@andythegiant @kessler George would be the worst tenant. He would go to every location daily for free food and steal all the Splenda and sugar packets.
Taylor Crane
Hey @kessler, can one theoretically also do work in the bathrooms, or must one work in the designated working areas? Asking for a friend.
Sol Weinreich
@kessler @taykcrane There are these nice "executive" bathrooms on every floor in Fulton. Just move in.
Ben Kessler
@taykcrane the bathrooms are spacious and have Gigabit WiFi so think you could get a fair amount of work done in there. Some of my best ideas have come to me while in the bathroom... including this one.
Ryan Hoover
Also relevant (and not a joke): Airpnp
Ben Kessler
@rrhoover technically WeWee isn't a joke! If you sign up you'll be able to book daily workspace and get access to our awesome bathrooms in 9 cities.
Sol Weinreich
Question @ms, @kessler, @srcasm are there any limitations on #wewee like there are with commons?
Ben Kessler
@ms @srcasm @solfrombrooklyn technically you need to book workspace by the day to get access to our awesome bathrooms, or sign up for Unlimited and get access whenever you want.
erik Martin
What if I only want to use the 2nd floor bathroom at the varick location?
Sol Weinreich
Almost forgot this one
Dave Ambrose
I can't tell if this is an April Fools or a legitimate attempt to validate/compete w. @breather. @kessler?
Ben Kessler
@breather @daveambrose a few months back we launched WeWork Commons, a flexible membership that allows you to work from 19 locations in 9 cities (more coming each month) for $45/day and book conference rooms for $25/day. Our bathrooms at WeWork are seriously a work of art and a joy to use which you get access to as a Commons member. We thought this was a great extension of our Commons marketing, especially on such a fun day like today.
Avi Zuber
I laughed too hard at this.
Ben Kessler
@avizuber thanks Avi!
Sol Weinreich
The @wework bathrooms really are special. I actually had to snap a pic of this