Stewart Rogers

VB Engage 027 - Alexis Fogel, Hillary's emails, and telling the truth at all times - The one where we talk about transparency

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Gary Dobbs
One thing I've learned about truth is there's my truth, your truth, his truth, her truth...if events of a person's life could be accessed from birth up to 30 minutes in the future like Precogs...the world might be a better place.
Travis Wright
@garybdobbs #truth 😉
Stewart Rogers
This week, Travis and Stewart discuss Hillary Clinton's biggest email mistakes. No, not *those* emails, but the thousands she sends to her supporters every day. Being fair-minded, we also talk about Donald Trump's emails too. Thanks to new research on both candidates' email practices, we highlight three "yuge" email marketing lessons for your business. We also interview Alexis Fogel of Dashlane, who explains how the security app managed to grow so quickly, and why being transparent helps with trust, engagement, and community management. Something politicians could learn a thing or two about, no doubt.