Aizhan Asanbaeva

Share your tips to be the Product of the Day πŸš€


Share your tips on how to become the Product of the Day πŸ† Let's exchange insights and best practices to skyrocket our products to the top of the leaderboard 🀝 Together, we can learn from each other and make our products shine! ✨

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Mukhil Maran
Hi @asanbaevazhan I hope you're looking to launch your product on Product hunt sooner or later. My advance wishes to you. We recently launched our product ( and we became 3rd product of the day and 2nd product of the week in Productivity category. Our Founder, @arvind_shanmugasundaram1 has shared his thoughts on two things. 1. How we became top 3rd product of the day? 2. Why we couldn't make it to the 2nd? Link here - I hope you get a value out of it. Please feel free to share whatever you think on the read.
Aizhan Asanbaeva
@arvind_shanmugasundaram1 @mukhil_maran Hey there! Thanks for sharing your experience and insights on how to become the Product of the Day on Product Hunt. Congrats on the success of and becoming 3rd product of the day and 2nd product of the week in the Productivity category! I'll definitely check out your founder's article for some valuable tips. Thanks for sharing, and best of luck with your future launches on Product Hunt! πŸš€
I mentioned a detailed post on this,you can check this out-
Aizhan Asanbaeva
@shubhangi_sharma5 Thanks for sharing your post on how to become the Product of the Day on Product Hunt! I'll check it out for some valuable tips. Thanks again, and keep up the great work on Product Hunt!
I would like to hear as well πŸ˜„ I don't really understand the function of PH algorithm, and I would appreciate if someone would explain... It happened several times now that a product with more comments, even upvotes hits second or third place... πŸ€”
Aizhan Asanbaeva
@maria_brm To increase your chances of being the Product of the Day on Product Hunt, post early in the day and rally your community for support! And who knows, maybe you'll be the lucky one to catch the algorithm's eye! πŸ€žπŸš€
@asanbaevazhan We had our launch recently, we were #2 but I still don't understand how algo is working.. We did our best anyway, but I would so like to understand it, as it several times now happened that a product with more upvotes and comments hits lower place.. πŸ€”
AndrΓ© J
Make a great product. Ask your fans to AMP
B. Jetton Lorraine
I love playing video games. I can relax after a day's work only this way. I want to immerse myself in the game and enjoy the magical world. So thank you very much for the game play snake you recommended.
Adam Alpert
You can win WITHOUT paying some PH consultant. PH really discounts votes from products that show unnatural growth curves (e.g. the ones that somehow get 500 votes before 8am EST/5am PST. I think PH actually counts votes from new "high-quality" users more than bot accounts that have been around and are "more active." We got Top Product of the Day by spreading the word of the launch to our own community (which is obviously hard for folks who are launching for the first time). Our first launch 2 years ago only got 300 votes and we just managed to crack the top 10. But now we've grown and also refined our product to something people actually want (apparently) When I woke up at 8:30 am we only had 80 votes, the other teams had 500+ (somehow). We were in 8th place and we ended up winning
Aizhan Asanbaeva
@adam_alpert3 Thanks for sharing your experience and insights on how to win on Product Hunt without paying for a consultant. I totally agree that it's all about engaging with your own community and spreading the word about your launch. Congrats on your success and becoming the Top Product of the Day! It's inspiring to see how you've refined your product and grown your community over time to achieve such great results. Thanks again for sharing your story, and keep up the awesome work on Product Hunt!
AndrΓ© J
ColdDM's πŸ₯Ά