How many IndieMakers 💪 are here?
Currently, I work as a graphic designer for an e-commerce company, earning only $158 per month despite working six hours a day for six days a week(🥲). To supplement my income, I recently launched my website,, as a means of monetize my passion for exploring new tools.
As I don't have much money to spare, I always scan the internet for super highly cost-effective tools that can help me improve my work. Soon, I plan on sharing these tools on my website,, so we can all benefit from them.
I believe that by sharing my skills and knowledge with fellow indie makers, I can finally receive the compensation that matches the time and effort I put into my work.
If you're an indie maker, please share your product in the comments. Let's work together towards a better future and mutual growth.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. 💓 Wishing you a wonderful life ahead.
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