Hi PH community!
For me, it was always a pain when I have to deal with regular expressions. Yes, there is enough information on the internet and great resources like Regex101, but in the end, it was always hard for me to choose among all the wide variety of options. Besides that, since I often write code in different languages, it was always a problem to remember APIs and syntax differences of regexes for each particular language. That's why I started to collect internally the list of commonly used regular expressions with code examples in different programming languages.
Since that list got pretty decent, we thought why not share it with the community. We hope that some of you might find it useful, bookmark it and get back to it when you need to validate or extract something from the text.
Let us know if there are some additional regular expressions that you think we need to include in that list!
@collimarco We decided to only add languages we have experience with. But if anyone from Ruby community would like to contribute, we are happy to add it.
great resource!! congrats!
I was looking for domain name validation (validates only example.com, or with subdomain sub.example.com) regex in your list.
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