Jorge Schnura Becerro

Tyba - Matching you with awesome job opportunities at sexy startups


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Jorge Schnura Becerro
@eriktorenberg didn't know about HackMatch, they seem to be about hosting lunches in offices. Looks cool!
Kathryn Minshew
@jorgeschnura Love your design - a beautiful approach to solving a similar problem as we do at The Muse
Jorge Schnura Becerro
@kmin Thanks Kathryn! You guys are also doing an awesome job!
tom meagher
@jorgeschnura While it's similar to The Muse, based on types of content/experience, it seems like there is a completely different grouping of companies that are featured on Tyba. Just by browsing, I see that these companies appear to be small to mid-sized startups and lots are international. What do you see as the "typical company" that is listed on Tyba?
Jorge Schnura Becerro
Hey @thomasmeagher , that's right! We're basically featuring startups all around Europe that we perceive have a high potential to grow and that are sexy to work for. That is not necessarily meassured in size but more so in culture. That's why you'll find here many small startups that are nowhere else to be found. Keep on checking back, got more than 250 in 20 weeks and aiming to have over 1,000 by the end of the year!
tom meagher
@jorgeschnura Will do. I'm curious how you find the small startups that are "nowhere else to be found." The ones I've seen on the site look to be quality - how do you discover them and scale the process to 1,000 by the end of the year?
Jorge Schnura Becerro
@thomasmeagher I'd be happy to give you some more insights. Why don't we move this conversation to email, otherwise it might be too long for this channel. My email is jorge at tyba dot com
Erik Torenberg
@jorgeschnura a few questions 1) what are the biggest problems you see with people trying to find the job that they love? 2) how do you solve this problem - what do you do on the backend to make sure people find a job they couldn't by themselves? 3) i assume you take a referral fee? is that a % or $?
Jorge Schnura Becerro
Hi @eriktorenberg ! The biggest problem people face is having to browse through hundreds of jobs to find a few that are interesting to you. We take into account your preferences and profile and recommend you only those that meet your expectations and where you would be a good fit. Another problem, especially with startups, is not knowing how it is like to work at each of them because most of the startups out there are not known. That's why we launched the company pages with pictures of the offices, video interviews with the employees and more content curated by ourselves to help candidates figure out what it's like to work a eatch of these places. We don't have any referral program in place right now. We charge companies to unlock the contact details of the candidates we shown them. Please let me know if you have any other questions!
While signing up and choosing jobs category it was a bit strange that there was no design related category and I couldn't find any design jobs listed later. Nice detail on the birth date :)
Jorge Schnura Becerro
Hey @mightyalex , that first step is going to be redesigned soon to include all sorts of categories like design. It's just that we couldn't get it in for the launch and we just included our most common categories, but you can add other manually with the free text below!