Actually a pretty nice product. I was using docsify, which sadly had so many issues. I picked this up, and it has been a delightful experience. The unique ability to scan through all my emails based on when I last emailed them and how many times I have followed up is amazing. It picks up what would have otherwise been lost opportunities.
Sales Torch has already showed me tons of emails that I would have failed to follow-up on. It's a bit depressing how many emails I fail to follow-up on, but thanks to Sales Torch I don't miss any of them now.
Widgets by reviewflowz
Torch | Sales Intelligence Made Simple.
This is a good b2b sales lead generation tool
Pros:Following up is key for sales
Cons:can't think of any
Product-Led Summit
Sales Torch has already showed me tons of emails that I would have failed to follow-up on. It's a bit depressing how many emails I fail to follow-up on, but thanks to Sales Torch I don't miss any of them now.
Pros:Following up is hard, this makes it easy