Ben Tossell

Tookan - Delivery Management Software

Tookan optimizes deliveries and streamlines task management. It offers valuable insights and analytics, so you can utilize your time to grow.

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Parag Jain
Hey all! Parag here, CEO and co-founder of Tookan. I’m super happy to post this. (Thanks for hunting us Ben) We have been building platforms in the On Demand space for the last 2 years and were flooded with requests from startups and businesses on something that can get them started the next day. There are hardly any SaaS plays in the market built to help startups and SME’s manage their mobile workforce. Two alternatives are either building everything from scratch or using combination of notepads, excel sheets and messaging. Our attempt to address this pain point led to Tookan emerge as a simple and highly flexible tool to manage different workflows possible viz. a viz. pickups, deliveries and appointments. With Tookan, you get interfaces for all the stakeholders - managers, field workforce and customers - for seamless end-to-end experience. Easy integrations with 3rd party SaaS plays and API access ensures Tookan will scale with your business. Looking forward to answering all the questions and start a lively discussion here.
Maksim Petriv
@parag_cl Some graphics on the website are low quality. I believe it highly impacts perception of product.
Parag Jain
@talkaboutdesign Maksim thanks a lot for the feedback. We have been focussing most of our efforts these past 4 months on the product design. We will definitely improve the quality of some of the graphics on the website in the next few weeks to improve the first impression that we are making. :)
Khaled Naim
@parag_cl "alternatives are either building everything from scratch or using combination of notepads, excel sheets and messaging"... right ;) I think there are some other...similar..saas products out there: Bringg, Trackin, HelloTracks, and of course Onfleet ( -- disclosure I'm cofounder @ Onfleet. Our websites look pretty similar, too!
Parag Jain
@kentuktek i guess you are taking a more focussed approach towards deliveries while we are taking a stab at making a more horizontal product which can tackle use cases such as - delivery based - grocery, food, couriers, flowers , alcohol among others; service based - beauty and wellness, home services, automotive care, emergency services among others and those relying on field workforce for customer acquisition and development, market research and so on. But love what you guys have done with Onfleet. But Trackin is much more focussed on doing just restaurant deliveries. In addition from what we have seen this is such a huge space, that 2-3 good players can co-exist.
Bruno Didier
@parag_cl and @kentuktek There is also that is focused on the on-demand economy like you guys. So there's indeed some SAAS allowing people to start an on-demand business in a day. Don't get the trello comparison either. I disagree on the look of their website though, it looks far away from what you've done at onFleet ;) Tookan logo is interesting though. Good luck for your launch! and cool first video! Disclaimer: I'm the CEO of Trackin (
Jack Smith
The functionality looks very similar to OnFleet, which has been working on this for some time now : The dark map designs also look awfully similar to OnFleet's signature design style as well... (see: )
Jack Smith
I don't know if Trello is a good comparison, doesn't look very similar.
Parag Jain
@_jacksmith - Thanks for the feedback, Jack. Comparison with Trello is largely owed to horizontal nature of Tookan rather than any design similarities. More specifically, Tookan is built around Tasks envisioned as a completely new data structure. Just like excel popularized tables, powerpoint brought array of full screen images and Trello brought in List of Lists - Tookan is built around Tasks. Focus on tasks has enabled us to accommodate multiple workflows - pickups, deliveries and appointments. In addition, different attributes associated with tasks further ensure that business with different workflows can use the solution without having to compromise.
Samar Singla
Great work guys. When I came across the concept I was surprised to see how versatile it can be when it comes to use cases. While we already had everything custom built in terms of Jugnoo’s core On Demand technology we had nothing to manage the 300 odd employees getting us downloads across 8 cities in the field. Anxiously waiting for your report feature to come out. Thinking loud this might also have helped in initial stages for validating the overall concept without investing a lot in technology. Best of luck.
Rohit Srivastwa
@samarsingla I thought you owned this domain of and you are part of the product itself :)
Mike Gozzo
This is awesome. I wish we had this when we dabbled in on-demand management during SupportKit cares:
Arsh Singh
@gozmike Thanks Mike. Interesting post, that was a huge effort at WWDC and managing an event of that size must have been quite challenging. Wish we had launched earlier nonetheless Kudos to the team.
Mike Gozzo
@mrarshsingh @gozmike i'm sure we'll do it again and next time we're definitely using Tookan. Texting our team and coordinating was not fun or easy. There was definitely a lot of running around.
Arsh Singh
@gozmike Sounds great! We look forward to it.
Justin Corbett
Looks good, but I'm a little confused with the description. How does this relate to Trello?
Arsh Singh
@_ustin Thank you, Justin. The reference to Trello is largely owed to the horizontal nature of Tookan rather than any design similarities. Parag has touched on this in detail, above.
Eduardo Duran
@mrarshsingh i paid Seral from your company to implement tookan into my system and have been receiving nothing but excuses everyday. for 8 weeks now! I will be writing a full detailed blog about my experience with tookan which is not good :( are you still with the company?
Pawan Gupta
Great concept. We have an on ground sales force and we find their management challenging. As we go ahead and expand we would love to try out Tookan. Best of Luck.
Arsh Singh
@travelinza Thank you Pawan, we look forward to it.
Rohit Srivastwa
Loved the product. Also got to know other nice alternatives. Time to check them out
David Ghedini
Well done.