Irena Žagar

TikTokers Squad - We connect brands with TikTok content creators

by• is one of the first platforms that connect brands with TikTok content creators in the easiest way possible!

Get engaging and creative content with only one message or become part of our TikTok Creators Community. See you on TikTok 👋

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Irena Žagar
Thank you all for the support. 🙌 We are so excited about building this platform. All TikTok creators are warmly welcomed to join through our landing page: For companies who struggle with consistent TikTok content or content for the TikTok ads get in touch with us here: - with our TikTokers we can create super engaging content for your brand. See you on TikTok 🤩
Nejc Cesar
Love the idea!
Irena Žagar
@nejc_cesar Thank you Nejc 😉
It's a nice idea. Congrats on the luanch.
Irena Žagar
@basharath Thanks! We think it's important to support all creators, not just influencers.
Julija Jordan
Wow, that's what we need in world of marketing. Constant battles of content creation all wrapped up in one message to creators? Count me in! 🤗
Irena Žagar
@julijajj Agree. You are in! 😀