Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

Mailbox for Mac (Beta) - Fly through your email. Now on Mac

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Jonathon Triest
betacoin is the new reservation list... they are so creative
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
OMG the #Betacoin is a GIF file, THIS.IS.AWESOME.
Murat Mutlu
@bramk Best signup process ive ever seen
Matt Galligan
Jealous of everyone that got their betacoin already! I'm stoked to give this a try...
Stefano Bernardi
@mg just got 3 more, give me your email and i'll send you one!
Matt Galligan
@stefanobernardi Thanks but I got mine too! All taken care of!
Joe Blau
@stefanobernardi Could you send me one please? Cheers :)
Stefano Bernardi
@joe_blau sent! I'm out now :)
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
Don't know if it's OK to link to a Verge article, but couldn't linkt the Mailbox homepage since that's linked to another Mailbox post. In the Verge article they talk about the Beta and give a Direct Download link (also in related links above). I've been using the Mailbox app since day 1 and I love it, really curious to see how they've translated the easy experience onto Mac.
Erik Torenberg
anyone know the founders? let's get em in the convo!
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
So.many.comments haha. Scarcity = brilliant strategy
Noah Buscher
@bramk Not always. We tried this model with - There was not near the demand of Mailbox (1.5+ million in waiting list), so our launch was under-hyped. I'd say the magic number where you can start making a website or product invite-only is around the 50,000 zone, where there are enough interested people to sustain the service by inviting other people. Another option would be to start beta with an open-plan and move to invite-only after official launch, but again, there'd still need to be a large enough demand.
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
Most comments on a post ever? :p cc @rrhoover
Scott Hurff
Would love a beta coin if anyone's got any extra. scotthurff at gmail ;)
Adrian Phillips
Signed up for the beta a while ago and never heard from them :( Been eager to try this. I'm right there with you @adamslieb, pretty please with a cherry on top, will someone hook me up with one of these tasty coins? adrianphi@gmail dot com
Lachlan Campbell
@rustydingo I've got more, do you still need one?
Adrian Phillips
@lachlanjc all good Lachlan, I actually have 2 leftover now. Thanks for checking.
Adrian Phillips
Literally the best sign up process I've ever seen. Even down to the way the can munches on the betacoins. That being said I've got 3 betacoins, who wants them?
Adam Kazwell
@rustydingo yes please :) kazwell at gmail
Adrian Phillips
@kaz tried sending from Mailbox for OS X and it didn't work lol. Sent from regular Gmail now.
Conrad Barrett
@rustydingo I'd love one as well - conradbarrett at gmail - thanks! update* Just got - thanks again Adrian!
Adam Kazwell
@rustydingo worked this time - I'm in! Thanks!
Samuel Hulick
Hey all! Love the comments on the onboarding process. I consolidated my thoughts on it here:
Spencer Schoeben
I had held off from using Mailbox on my phone because it was an incomplete experience. Now that it's on Mac, I've been using it exclusively...... and it changed my life.
Adam Kazwell
How does one get one of these beta coins? [ kazwell at gmail ] if anyone is feeling generous :)
Lachlan Campbell
@kaz Did you get one? I've got 6 :)
Adam Kazwell
@lachlanjc I got one, but thanks for the offer!
Mike Bracco
If anyone has an extra betacoin I'd like one as well :) - mike at
Lachlan Campbell
@bracco I've got more, want one?
Mike Bracco
@lachlanjc Yes I'd love one if you still have it. - thank you :)
Joe Blau
My favorite email client FINALLY is coming to the desktop. I can't wait, other than for a betacoin. Is betacoin something that Dropbox started? This seems like it could be a service in itself.
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
Ah well, when Apple launches the final versions of iOS8 and Yosemite we're all switching back to iMail, iCal and Safari haha. #continuity baby
Sabrina Majeed
I have a beta coin to give away! I can't pick b/t all the people who posted so first to reply to this w/email will get it. *EDIT* they literally just sent me 2 more so I have 1 left again up for grabs.
Sabrina Majeed
@shauntrennery sent! LMK if it works, I momentarily forgot which of the three I got were still available and made an educated guess x_x
Sabrina Majeed
@joe_blau wait really? :(
Joe Blau
@sabrina OMG It worked after I re-downloaded, re-installed the the app, and tried it again :) THANKS!
Romain Dardour
Seems Mailbox is strong enough to turn PH into a leech z0ne ;)
Camille Ricketts
I've got 2 betacoins left to give. Anyone still looking?
Camille Ricketts
@orarbel Sent :)
Lachlan Campbell
I've still got several betacoins left. Anyone want one?