Hi Product Hunters!
I’m Ran, Co Founder of TAP, and I’d like to thank Ben for hunting us. The team and I are really excited! I'll be happy to answer all your questions today and I'm looking forward to getting your feedback on TAP.
The story of TAP began when my partners Dovid Schick & Sabrina Kemeny noticed they were becoming increasingly frustrated with how our current keyboards (especially on mobile) have become harder to use on small screens (smartphones, smart watches etc).
When Dovid showed me what they have been working on - I fell in love with the concept of being able to yet again free people from a technology that has been binding them to a specific socket. After pursing my mission to free the world from electric cords with Powermat I decided to join forces with Dovid and Sabrina on our mission to free the world from 150 year old QWERTY keyboards and additional input devices.
TAP's first real life application is designed to serve as a wearable keyboard for the English language. With TAP, people can now type by tapping their fingers on ANY surface: a table, a chair, or even their body. Tap is a fast, accurate and eyes-free method of interfacing with any Bluetooth-enabled device, including smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and computers.
In a few weeks we will also begin providing a Tap Development Kit to developers, enabling them to harness the capabilities of Tap into a broad range of applications including gaming, AR and VR using the Tap platform.
I look forward to getting your feedback and answering your questions!
@yoavvilner Hi Yoav! thank you for asking. We have developed a learning system (mobile game) called TapGenius that teaches you how to TAP in easy steps. We've uploaded the tutorials to our YouTube channel and you can view them here ahead of trying the game: https://www.youtube.com/channel/...
Let me know if you have additional questions!
After watching the video, Instinctively I am sold and can't wait to try it out but 2 questions immediately come to mind; Accuracy ? and price ? Can't wait to try it out, great job. DM
@derekmartin Hi Derek! thank you for your feedback! Our current accuracy level is around 99%. The TAP bundle is expected to retail at $119. If you would like to try and are in Palo Alto - you can meet our ambassadors who are demoing the Tap strap on a daily basis.