Dave Currie

The Portfolio Lab — Compare stocks & ETFs faster with our interactive tools

The Portfolio Lab was created to help you find better investments faster. Using our suite of tools you can rank stocks & ETFs using financial metrics, measure correlations, see the distribution of financial values, compare growth trends, and much more.

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Dave Currie
As promised above, we've just launching the functionality to compare and rank ETFs! https://www.theportfoliolab.com/... Find your next ETF faster by using metrics such as ownership of a particular stock/industry or the weighted average for the forecasted revenue growth.
Dave Currie
Hey Product Hunt! We started building The Portfolio Lab because of the difficulty in comparing stocks we might want to invest in. Sites like Yahoo Finance have a lot of data, but it's a very tedious process to get, and even calculate, metrics to compare companies. We want to simplify and speed up this process. Our suite of comparison tools serves as a no-code solution. Our aim is to give you the ability to answer any question you might have when analyzing stocks and funds. In the coming weeks and months, we'll be expanding our services to allow you to compare ETFs as easily as you can compare stocks. We'll also be regularly writing blog posts to help you get the most out of the site as another key goal of ours is to educate investors. In our blog, we'll provide summaries of analyses that we perform to help you focus your search. This will include which metrics are most correlated with market capitalisation for each industry and which industries+sectors have achieved the best annual returns over the past five years. Let us know what you think of the site! We're always happy to hear what people have to say!