Brian Gilham

Monday Mailer #8: I'm Writing a Book - Deciding to stop dreaming and start writing.

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Brian Gilham
Hi everyone! 👋🏻 For a few years now, I’ve had a secret goal: write a book. I’ve always admired people who teach what they know, write, edit, record, and sell their work. Developers, designers, writers, and countless others are in a unique position; they have the means to both create and share, or sell, the things they create. I’ve successfully sold products in the past — everything from an icon set to iOS & tvOS apps — but the idea of self-publishing a book has never gone away. I’m tired of just thinking about it. I’ve decided that 2017 is the year I’m finally going to do it. I sat down a few weeks ago and started outlining. Today, I’m ready to commit publicly. My book, Finish Your Damn Side Project, will be available this summer. I honestly believe you don’t need someone else’s permission to share your passion, build an audience, and publish your work. The Monday Mailer (my weekly newsletter, covering similar topics) is one part of that philosophy, for me. Finish Your Damn Side Project will be another. In this episode, I talk a little bit about how the project is starting and some thoughts on potential outcomes. I'm looking forward to documenting the process along the way. 🙂