Alejandro Estrada

Rapidpoll - Make your vote count!

Rapidpoll is a web app that let you create polls on the go; it is perfect to know the opinion of others on topics of your interest... you can embed the poll on your web app and get a nice feedback from your users!

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Alejandro Estrada
Hi everybody, I'm happy to introduce Rapidpoll. Rapidpoll is a webpage that let you create polls on the go. The main idea with this is that you can get a feedback instantly, it can be through your web page embedding it or sharing a poll with the persons that you want. When you embed a poll on your web page, you're going to make the users interact more with it, also you can improve their experience in your web page when you know their need and your opinion. you will receive analytics of your polls. After you create a poll you can see the analytics of your poll, like the language, country and city of the users that vote on your poll; whit this you can take the best decisions to improve your product with the opinion of the users. That's why Rapidpoll makes your opinion count!
Hugo Villain
I like it! Unfortunately, each of our Iframes are powered by Iframely ( and pasting my poll URL in Iframely checker doesn't return it (obviously). See
Alejandro Estrada
@hypervillain Thanks for the message; you can copy the iframe from the poll, on the social buttons the last one copy the iframe code ready to embed on your web app (check the last gif)... also I'm working to have the solution with Thanks again!