Pressmatic is an excellent, modern, Electron-based WordPress development app built by @claygriffiths which runs on macOS (Linux and Windows versions coming in the near future). Each new site created resides in its own Docker container, powered by VirtualBox, and offers you a choice of hot-swappable Apache or Nginx and PHP versions 5.2.5, 5.2.17, 5.3.29, 5.6.20 or 7.0.3.
The UI is just beautiful... it's clean, sleek and uncluttered, setting it apart from similar products such as DesktopServer or W/MAMP. I've invested pretty heavily in DesktopServer over the past half year, but Pressmatic pried me from my loyalty very quickly. Being stuck with 1 single version of PHP in development—and an old version, nonetheless—knowing that I needed to push to a server with PHP 7 and nervous about what may break in transition weighed on my conscious long enough.
Pressmatic is ON SALE for 30% OFF and priced at $99 until September 30, 2016. Pay only once for all v1.x releases, then 2.x versions and so on... no ongoing, yearly subscription fees with this which I love—I have enough subscriptions to pay for every month as it is.