Mitch Wainer

DigitalOcean - Easiest & fastest way for developers to deploy an SSD cloud


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Mitch Wainer
To make life easier for Product Hunters to deploy their apps online, DigitalOcean is offering 2 months free for the 512MB Droplet (cloud server) plan. Click the following link to redeem:
Paul Benigeri
@mitchwainer Does this work with existing accounts?
Jack Smith
@mitchwainer @benigeri i was thinking the same
Mitch Wainer
@benigeri Unfortunately, this is only for new accounts.
Jack Smith
DigitalOcean is great; I just wish that we could share Droplets, without having to transfer them to accounts. It'd be awesome to have a load of community created Droplets available as well.
Michael Tomko
The company that I work for was just featured as one of Digital Ocean's success stories. Pretty cool. We love working with them!