LiftmyCV is hosted on DigitalOcean due to its stability, predictable pricing, and ease of server management. We use Droplets and managed databases to ensure seamless scaling and performance.
digital ocean's transparency with payments is a dream for any indie hacker. As a former VC-backed founder, it was such a breath of relief coming in with AWS experience, seeing how easy it was to understand and read everything in my console.
Although it is more affordable than all its competitors when you look at its price, it includes most of the critical features. It is easy to use, its support is sufficient. I have used it for various projects for years. I am satisfied.
DigitalOcean meet the needs of developers who were looking for simple, affordable cloud computing solutions. Our first product, the Droplet, is an easy-to-use virtual machine that can be spun up in just minutes. Over the past decade, DigitalOcean has evolved to serve both software developers and the small-to-medium-sized businesses that are at the heart of innovation today.
I have been using them for a decade or more to host projects, client websites. Everything from Database to Cloud server instances at a great price and excellent performance. Love the product line and it keeps growing.