Aswin Mohan

LessPhone Launcher - Version 2 of the app that won't let you use your Phone


LessPhone is a Minimal Android App Launcher that takes up your Home Screen and stops you from using those time consuming apps =>

Now it 's completely rewritten from scratch in Android Native, complete with selection of two custom apps, dark theme, easier settings access, my love, and magic ;D

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Aswin Mohan
Hey People, I'm Aswin Mohan the maker of NoPhone, an Android Launcher that is designed to keep you from wasting time on your phone, which helped a ton of people. It takes up your HomeScreen and slows down your access to those time wasting, distracting things(called Apps) on your phone, so you can focus on the things that matter :D The Real 2.0 Story When I launched NoPhone it was well received, it got a ton of up-votes and I got a ton of feedback on how to improve NoPhone (Feedback Rocks !!). I started implementing those features one by one and sadly because of how good I am at making stuff, crashes and bugs kept cropping in. The original became slow and bad and sad. So I rewrote the entire thing in Android Native, which meant less size, more performance and far less bugs and crashes.This is the product of a month struggling to learn a new tech stack, gathering feedback and iterating on feature requests. The MARKETING 2.0 Story I was sleeping on my couch when two angels came down and gave me this AWESOME idea and a magic potion to make NoPhone more awesome. So I gathered an awesome team, raised a gazillion dollars in funding and made this which will CHANGE THE WORLD, MAKE IT A BETTER PLACE, RANDOM CATCH PHRASE HERE.
Aswin Mohan
@jajoosam That's on my todo list :D
Adam Fallon

Great little utility! Got a credit from the play store which made the pro version only cost 29p 😎


+ Slick interface

+ Dark theme is nice


- Wish I could switch out the phone app for something else. Might sound silly but I really don't phone many people.

Anna Filou

I know the point of the app is to be minimal and don't get me wrong, I do like this, but I feel that "minimal" should not equal "almost useless".

2 apps: 1 of them has to be the Camera for me (and most people) since that's one of the few smartphone apps that really do make the user's life better.

So that leaves 1 app slot. I put Telegram because that's my messenger of choice BUT a lot of my contacts use only What'sApp. Same things with other apps but this is the best example.

Also, an integrated not-taking utility would be great for when you really need to note something down that's not a task but don't want to deal with the clutter of most apps.

In conclusion, I think it should allow you to use more apps. And maybe include a minimal icon pack :)

That's all.


Minimal, eye-pleasing design, VERY fast after Android Native update, stable


Only 2 custom apps, no icons

Guillaume Bardet
That's interesting @aswinmohanme. It's like the Light Phone within your phone lol. Curious to know if you have any plan for an iOS version? I am just not sure how it would turn out.
Ken Savage
@aswin did angels really help you? lol
Aswin Mohan
@aswin @kensavage yeah they did 😂
Ken Savage
Do you need help with your sales and marketing? I've got some ideas if you'd like to partner. @aswinmohanme
Justin Zheng
Would it be possible to make the tasks link to Todoist API?
Dalal Al Dilaimi
No iOS version? :( iCry
J.D. Lindsay
I will use this as soon as I can have more than two app shortcuts! :) I want to use my phone less, but I have way more than two apps I need on a daily basis. Great work though, love everything else
Brandon Oxendine

Love the idea! Really nice launcher. I'll try it out during the work week.


Simple UI that "reinvents" Android


Dark theme costs money, "Phone" app shortcut is permanent (I never talk on the phone), introduce a better way to monetize

Arnò S
IOS please
Fitz Maro
Does this violate the naming rights of from SharkTank?
Zhenya Kazaryan
My friend really needs it :)))
Holger Mets
A great app - close to the kind of a smartphone-solution I've been looking for. But a few "customization" options I would prefer: Option to remove the "Tasks" section Option to hide the "Settings" menu Increase the text size - Perhaps a choice of a few different font families as well. Other than that - this was an instant purchase (for the dark version) for me - and I am hoping some of these options would be added in the future.
patil personal
Bro i paid 140 for premium but nothing is changed