Ben Lang

Mapme Stories - Tell stunning stories through maps

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Ben Lang
Top Product
Hi PH'ers! We've been busy at Mapme building a new product, while continuing to grow our classic mapping product. Excited to share it with you and hear your thoughts. We think that maps have the potential to become their own medium of storytelling and this product can make that happen. Mapme Stories is an incredibly easy tool for sharing stories through maps. Here are some examples: Top veggie places in Berlin Euro 2016 stadiums (Creation from web, usage from anywhere. ) It takes minutes to create something like that. You can embed videos, gifs, images, links, buttons all within the content. And of course you can easily share or embed them anywhere. You can even create custom maps, and upload your own background: The state of Westeros in Season 5 GOT Team Real Madrid (That's still in beta, if you want to try it out, ping us at If you want to give it a try, check out ✌️ Love to hear your thoughts, thanks!
Ben Lang
Top Product
@jpvalery Thanks! made that one, we'll let them know.
João Antunes
@benln @mapme I was doing something called MapItOff until the team broke off, and it was something a bit similar. This is cool! Also, have you checked out how Google tells a story when you take pictures and make one? (don't recall the name) there are cool inspiring things for a story like approach to maps there.
Ben Lang
Top Product
@joantune Nice! Google photos has an awesome feature that create maps with your photos. We want to do social integrations in future, pull from twitter etc.
João Antunes
@benln integrating it with social networks can help by easing the process of creation of a map. However, originally i was referring to the interface of Google photo when it tells stories. That interwoving between maps and pictures is stunning IMO. If I were you, I would find out if people really want to pull photos from social before doing that, or if they prefer different visuals to tell their stories. While your product is cool. The way that it exposes those stories with a map is not as stunning as the aforementioned product, and perhaps it's not supposed to, or needs to. But it's definitely worth to find out if you would get more uses if people had alternatives besides the map in center photo on left, or if they really love it as is and would use it more by pulling from social.
João Antunes
PS: @benln I saw @bouazizalex westeros map that he posted, and I love the way it's shown on mobile! The embedded version feels quite clunky though (it might be from the original site, but it took quite some time to load ) Also, the embedded version didn't recognize that I was in mobile, so, in a phone, it's not that good of an experience. You guys should try caching the images that Leaflet serves. I think you can do that quite easily and quickly by using cloudflare for it. Also, if it isn't yet, pack all ur js and optimize and minify them, and that alone should show you some considerable performance gains in the network tab of the your favorite browser's 'inspector'
Yoav Vilner
Big fan of storytelling 2.0 and this is def a part of it. Good job guys.
Ben Lang
Top Product
@yoavvilner Yeah, learning from inspiring startups like Apester 😄
Ryan Abrams
Great work Ben and the rest of the team! What inspired you to create a powerful story telling tool with your platform?
Ben Lang
Top Product
@ryabrams thank you! we kept on getting requests from publishers to use our product more extensively, this was really built from their needs.
Dhruba Adhikari
#interesting and cool way to express. Even a slight paradigm shift to the we have been sharing stories. We have been adding photos, and tagging locations. This is the opposite way, grouped together and easier to navigate as well.
Dhruba Adhikari
Another quick reaction after I was checking few from your gallery. Yes the product is mapme, and its map focused. However, in some of the cases I felt that layout needs to be opposite, or say adjustable. After all you are focusing on stories and content, rather than the map. An option to switch map on left-sidebar or content page may even give you A/B insights.
Ben Lang
Top Product
@acpmasquerade Good points. Did you try it out on mobile? Of course, most of our usage is there, the experience can't be changed so much, unless you have suggestions. Try checking this out on your phone - Or embedded in a post
Erik Dungan
This looks very similar to Eater's 38 and Heatmap lists[1]. Even the pins are nearly identical. I really like this style for map content. I'm curious if Eater was an inspiration at all for this layout.
Ben Lang
Top Product
@callmeed We're definitely fans of Vox (eater) they've done an amazing job.
Yair Kivaiko
This is super cool! Great way to tell a story
Ben Lang
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@kobaiko Thanks Yair!
Alex Bouaziz
Mapme marketing department targeting me the right way... Congrats on the release guys, keep rocking!
Ben Lang
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@bouazizalex Yeah! Here's how it looks embedded -
Omri Toppol
Looks cool, loved the GOT map. If you can link to a drive folder with pictures and have them mapped to this it would be a great way to share trips and memories
Ben Lang
Top Product
@omritoppoldog Thanks! Yeah, agreed, we'll do social pulling in future.
Johnny Quach
HUGE FAN OF BEN and TEAM. As they know I'm always spamming their twitter with phrase and bug resports ;P And some..... self promoting. Here's one of my maps!
Ben Lang
Top Product
@johnnyquachy You rock Johnny! Here's the Story version of your map 😊
Gabriel Reynard
Seems to be a great tool! Telling stories trough maps can be more effective and even more fun to read. Congrats, hope you guys can grow!
Ben Lang
Top Product
@gabrielreynard Thanks, we hope so 😊
Alan Weinkrantz
place, people, stories. Go Ben!
Ben Lang
Top Product
@alanweinkrantz thanks alan!
Uri Eliabayev
I'm big fun Mapme and it's so great to hear about your new product! Looking forward to make my own special map :)
Ben Lang
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@urieli17 thanks uri!
boaz saragossi
Great idea and great execution!
Ben Lang
Top Product
@boazsaragossi thanks boaz!
Saul Lieberman
Nice! I like the way you are continually re-mapping Mapme onto new problems and needs.
Ben Lang
Top Product
@saul_lieberman thanks saul!
This is amazingly awesome! I've really liked the Westeros one!
Ben Lang
Top Product
Sebastian Klett
Great product and great execution ! Will continue using it and try to tell even more stories :-)
Ben Lang
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@klettseb awesome!
Nir Ben Yona Shein
It looks awesome! Congrats for the launch and good luck.
Ben Lang
Top Product
@niron thanks nir!
Jeremy Kovac
Great job Ben, loving the simple UI :)
Ben Lang
Top Product
@jeremykovac thanks jeremy!
Colin Keogh
Very cool. Would love it if you made making maps even faster / easier by pre-filling Description / URL / Images with Google Maps info once I select the address. Then give the user the option to confirm or edit.
Ben Lang
Top Product
@keogh_c We hope to in future.
This is a great product and a fantastic service. I used it to put together the map element of a brief environmental history of a few of our local parks and the city and others have all loved it. Excited to see this grow.
Ben Lang
Top Product
@chrisdolle Sounds great, glad to hear.