A crowdsourced list of startups made by solo developers.
Rauno Metsa
MakeHub 2.0 β€” 65 solo founders making $370,000/mo
MakeHub let's you find profitable micro-startups built by solo founders without funding.
Stefan Vetter
MakeHub is super cool to find other bootstrapped founders and connect with them.
Leo Bassam
Great work! So good to finally see your awesome product launched πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸŽ‰
Rauno Metsa
@leobassam thanks! And I'm happy to see your Plutio.com makes a good revenue ($13k/mo). It's a very very competitive field you're in.
Paul Anderie
Great idea
Hannah Konitshek
Looks very cool! @raunometsa how are you defining "solo founder"? I took a look at Canny (the highest earning project on the list) - and they have 2 founders and 9 employees.
Rauno Metsa
@hannahkonnn Yep, I hear your point, Hannah! See my comment to Keith here. I will continue to focus on solo projects only.
Shashwat Gautam
Fajar Siddiq
nice work dude!!! πŸ’― congrats on the launch. I recently create a group microstartups on IH just started. hoping to learn from others too
Rauno Metsa
@fajarsiddiq, that's nice! Where can I find that group?
Leo Baecker
Congrats! MakeHub is neat, and helps me broadens my circle of maker friends and get inspired. Keep it up! 🀩
Enelin Paas
This is amazing, great job!
Gerry Hays
This is great @raunometsa. Is it your experience that the founders are looking to move beyond the micro-startup stage with outside capital?
Rauno Metsa
@gerryhays1 I've seen few who sold. Some continue to work on their projects, some stepped out completely. But in general I think no – they're not looking to move beyond being a small startup with outside capital. For a lot of creators, it's about independance (you work on something you like and when you're inspired, spending rest of your time living life).
Rauno Metsa
@gerryhays1 But the first couple of years are hard without capital. You need to continue your day job to pay your rent and eat food. And a the same time find the time and motivation to work on your own projects. This is why it's super important to really like your own product, so you'd continue to work on it even if it doesn't make money yet and you don't really see how it will start making money in the next two years, maybe. I think when you're building something that has a value, it will start making you money eventually. Could take some years though.
Dominik Sobe
Love the idea! Would be great to also see the underlaying business model for each microstartup. Sometimes when it's not really obvious (sponsors, ads, ...) it's hard to find it out and so a dedicated section for that would be really helpful :)
Seems like an Indiehacker alternative minus the community. I tried to submit my startup but for a 500 Server error
Rauno Metsa
@haitham_m I know Indie Hackers also lists startups, but I feel community side is more dominant there and I wanted to do just a simple list of bootstrapped startups. Thanks for letting me know about this 500 error, I think it may have to do with MRR input (must be a number). Made a fix so it will be converted to integer now!
Nice stuff!
Denys Hriaznov
Great idea!
Ronan Wall
Nice product and very cool video. What is MakeHub's revenue / month : ) joke, you don't have to answer that, but I am interested in the revenue model. As an angel investor the chance to invest in some of these companies is very appealing, could be something there...
Rauno Metsa
@ronanawall Thank you! Haha, well it's $0/mo :) don't know yet how to monetize MakeHub, but 3.0 will have something that people can buy I think :) But you're right – it is very appealing to invest in these companies. I haven't asked them, but I have a feeling they're not really interested in outside capital (I should ask them, maybe I'm wrong) – see my comment to @gerryhays1
John Bardos
Hi Rauno, Great idea. I like the simple idea of this! Good work.
Keith Lynn
Gotta say this is cool. Surprised how many I know of already. Good work.
Keith Lynn
PS. Do you plan to cleanse it over time? Some seem bigger than solo. I was particularly intrigued by one or two there at the top end revenue-wise. I figured they were at most a three-person co-founder team, but according to one the founders, they are a seven-person team. Appreciate the definition of "solo" is hard when the lines are blurred on what an employee is. And I still like the list, but it seems more bootstrapped focused than "solo" + bootstrapped.
Rauno Metsa
@lynnastyie I see what you mean, Keith! I think my long-term focus should be probably on solo projects (a couple of co-founders are okay too), because that was the original idea and I want people to see it's possible to build something profitable alone. You make a website, a small SaaS or newsletter and you pay your bills with it. For example Canny is listed now and while they did start out as two co-founders, they're now grown to 9 people (https://canny.io/about).
Eddie H.
Great job! My wish for version 3.0 is to have some form of mentorship program where profitable bootstrapped founders could provide guidance to those who are still working their way to revenue and profitability.
Rauno Metsa
@eddieaich love this idea! Do you have some more thoughts about this (how would this mentorship work)?
Eddie H.
@raunometsa Just shooting from the hip - users sign up and add more info to their profile such as industry, product market, and whether or not they are open to mentoring others. Pre-revenue founders can find founders who are open for mentorship based on product/service, market similarities. Something like that?
B'sander Masukat Pigkaulan
So good
Sudeep Chauhan
Wow this is great! How do you collect information on how much is the startup making per month?
Rauno Metsa
@sudeep_chauhan Thank you, Sudeep! Revenue numbers come mostly from the founders themselves (but there are startups who share their revenue on their website too, although not many of them – some I have found like that).
Jose Virgen
I like the best family and friends to for all eternity