Artavazd Minasyan

Krisp for iOS - Have noise-free meetings and phone calls anywhere

Krisp is a revolutionary noise-free meeting and mobile dialer for business calls. It connects to your conference meetings and mutes the background noise leaving only clean human voice. The noise removal is done in real time thanks to AI-powered NC technology.

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Artavazd Minasyan
Hi there fellow Product Hunters, I’m Arto, the Co-Founder of Krisp. Not long ago we launched our first-ever Krisp noise cancelling app for Mac and Windows with world-class AI-powered noise cancellation tech. Now it’s time for us to introduce you the brand new Krisp for iOS which has even more exciting features. This app will give you an entirely new feel of what a meeting and mobile dialer is. Connect to your Zoom, Webex or any other meetings with one click and mute noise coming from your side of the call in real time. That’s not even the half of it - the app syncs with your calendar and keeps all your meetings in one place. You can also use Krisp for iOS from anywhere in the world and make outgoing calls to your contacts or any other phone numbers. Krisp for iOS is a game changer for mobile communication. With its AI-powered noise cancellation, you can talk from anywhere and hold the phone far from your mouth, or with shiny AirPods, and be sure that the person on other side won’t hear any noises.
We have spent a long time building Krisp for iOS and we hope that you will love it as much as we do. We’ll be waiting for your feedback!
Mahesh Shrestha
@artavazd_minasyan This is an amazing coincidence, I was talking about the product the other day and today it's here featured on PH. :)
Artavazd Minasyan
@alphahunter Do you mean Krisp desktop?
@artavazd_minasyan Hi Arto, congratulations on this launch. I’m a long time user of krisp desktop and I get a lot of value out of it. Aside from its core functionality, I like two things about krisp desktop: 1. My audio isn’t shared with anybody (I think?) 2. There doesn’t seem to be any latency I have some questions for you if you don’t mind: 1. I’ve read through your privacy policy and it doesn’t say what Twilio does with regards to recording, sharing or analyzing the calls from krisp. Especially with your background at Twilio, your feedback here would be useful. How much privacy should we expect when using krisp mobile? 2. How many humans at Twilio (or their partners) can listen to our calls and how often do humans at Twilio (or their partners) listen to phone call audio? 3. Let’s say for example that you were still working at Twilio and were using krisp for a phone call with a Twilio colleague - would you talk about sensitive internal topics that could be damaging to you personally or to the company if another twilio employee was listening to your call audio and heard the conversation? 4. Why aren’t these types of details mentioned in your privacy policy? 5. How much latency are you seeing added to a call when using the krisp mobile app? I’m going to this level of depth on my privacy related questions primarily because your privacy policy opens by discussing your professional background in privacy, which I appreciate but am left a bit skeptical about given the lack of detail on what your voip vendor is going to do with your users’ audio data and associated metadata. I look forward to your response because I’d love to be able to use krisp mobile and feel confident that my privacy is being respected without any caveats that I might be unaware of. Thank you. (editing to tag @davit_baghdasaryan as I should have directed the privacy policy questions to you Davit instead of to Arto)
Davit Baghdasaryan
@bgilly thanks for your question. We will indeed take this note and work more on our privacy policy. Twilio is a publicly traded and very large communication platform (>$15B valuation). Probably the biggest. It's used and trusted by literally every type of company (call centers, banks, hospitals, dialing apps, etc). Here is the list of some of their customers (out of 50K): Trust and security is a primary business interest for them. I know this because I was part of the Trust & Security team there. Trust is one of the important reasons why we chose to build Krisp on top of Twilio. Now, to address you specific questions. 1. Krisp calls are not recorded nor analyzed. We will indeed clarify this in our privacy policy. Thank you. 2. Twilio has invested enormous energy and time to obtain sophisticated security certifications such as ISO 27001. It's extremely hard to meet such certification if you are at the scale of Twilio. Their mployees can't listen to real time media without going through extensive access control hops. It's architected similarly to AWS. The real time media is not stored on disc by default so I'm not sure how someone could even be able to eavesdrop if they really wanted. 3. Millions of enterprise users already communicate sensitive information using apps built on top of Twilio today. Twilio has many small to very large enterprise customers. 4. Noted. Seems like we must do a better job of detailing how Twilio processes voice data in our privacy policy. 5. Our algorithm is adding 15ms latency. We see no degradation in the call. The latency added by network has way more impact. Please let me know if you have further questions. Happy to address these and go deeper.
@davit_baghdasaryan Thorough reply, thank you for that. Point #1 nails it and that's all I'd want to know. Solid. Your clarification on Twilio's policies is helpful. Good to know about the algorithm latency. The network latency is key here, I agree. Part of what drove me to ask you about this is Zoom. When on a Zoom call using their dial-in numbers (as opposed to using their app to join a call), there is enough latency to make fluid conversations difficult at times. I could see adding another VoIP route in between the callers and Zoom could make it even worse. Not much you can necessarily do about that, so I was just curious to hear your general thoughts on latency through Krisp mobile. I'll give Krisp mobile a try for some regular phone calls and see what the total latency (algorithm + network) feels like. All the best to you guys with this new venture into Krisp on mobile!
Tony Dehnke
60 minute limit is weird. And it will just drop the call?? ?makers
Artavazd Minasyan
@tonydehnke it comes completely free for now. We will add unlimited minutes in coming versions.
Artavazd Minasyan
@tonydehnke We ❤️active feedback loop. We just made a decision to increase limit to 240 minutes/week. Although it has cost implication on us.
Tony Dehnke
@artavazd_minasyan I get that.. I think launching without displaying the pricing (especially as you have a current user base that is quite loyal) is a bit dangerous. The sooner you publish pricing the better, so you don't end up disappointing or upsetting people regarding price.
Davit Baghdasaryan
@artavazd_minasyan @tonydehnke Krisp is a freemium product meaning that there will always be a Free version of the app. Pro plan is just not there yet.
Craig Jarrow
@tonydehnke @artavazd_minasyan I am still unclear on this limitation... especially on the iOS version. Does the processing take place on the device? Or thru your servers? I also agree that "dropping a call" is not an ideal method.
Luke Thomas
As a remote worker, Krisp is one of the most useful products I've ever found. Before Krisp, I would have to plan my day around taking calls. I didn't want to be the person with the loud background noise when working at a coffee shop. With Krisp, I don't have to think about this anymore. I've sat next to a loud speaker at Starbucks and the person on the other end can't hear any of it. For remote work, Krisp makes the world your office. It's really a game-changing piece of technology that just works.
Ryan Hoover
Krisp is pretty magical. Awesome to see this on iOS now.
Mert Aktas
Krisp has been one of the core products we've been using for product demos. Mobile app works like a charm as well! Well done @artavazd_minasyan, @davit_baghdasaryan and the rest of Krisp team!
Данил Зиновьев
Using in on my Mac, awesome job guys. Finally can do meetings without noise, and finally you're on iPhone!
Jim Duggan
I'd like to buy the desktop version of Krisp, but I hate the idea of paying a monthly subscription for something I will only use a few times a year. If there was a way to buy it for a one-time price, even if that was a cut-down version, I would buy it. Please consider that as an option. At the moment, you're only selling to those willing to buy a subscription, and I think you're leaving money on the table.
Artavazd Minasyan
@jim_duggan We will launch a free version for Krisp Desktop in coming months.
Muhammet Enginar
We've been using Krisp for a while, couldn't be happier with the service. Great idea, perfect execution 👌
Lyondhür Picciarelli
Artavazd Minasyan
@lyondhur Thank you.
Ramon Hein
I'm delighted that you've made it on mobile. When will android follow? :)
Artavazd Minasyan
@ramon_hein In few months.
nate embrey
We love Krisp for desktop! Quick question, how do you handle video calls and screensharing that is often done in meetings via the app, if the Krisp app is what makes the call via the associated meeting app? Still possible? Or is this only for audio calls?
Davit Baghdasaryan
@nateembrey Video and screensharing will be supported in upcoming versions. We know it's critical. Pease stay tuned.
Norayr Margarian
Great job, Krisp team :)
I am not seeing my Outlook calendar after adding it.... Any ideas?
Artavazd Minasyan
@rossman Have you added your outlook account in iOS settings?
@artavazd_minasyan yes I have. Maybe I can send you some screenshots?
Artavazd Minasyan
@rossman Write to our support on - live chat.
Artavazd Minasyan
@rossman @michael_hoff Please write to our live chat on
Basheera Kunnil
@davit_baghdasaryan, Absolutely love this 👏 Love the fact that it syncs with the calendar 👌
Artavazd Minasyan
@basheerak Great, thx.
Chris Schaap
Definitely solving a problem, noise can really catch you off guard during a (conference) call. Does it solve feedback / echo too?
Artavazd Minasyan
@chrisschaap Yes, it has builtin echo cancellation.
jayme hoffman
Krisp is the Marie Kondo of your audio space.
Ralf van Dooren
Does it use data as the voice connection, or my cell phone 'phone' connection? When will you support non-+1 numbers? What is the callerID the other end will see? I am hoping for a full integration with my normal phone connection, where Krisp just processes the audio; don't know if this is possible at all on IOS ?
Davit Baghdasaryan
@ralf_van_dooren it uses data. The callerID is random for now. You will be able to set your phone's callerID in the future versions. Unfortunately we can't integrate into your iPhone normal call flow without working with Apple. I hope Apple is reading this :)
Narek Vardanyan
Great job team and long-waited version :)
Alok Saboo
Is it possible to use it for voice recording or note taking on the phone? Sounds like you already have the capability
Artavazd Minasyan
@truvoip Recording feature currently is not in roadmap.
Giorgi Gulabyan
Hey guys, thanks! Finally I can use it on iPhone :)