@iamsooraj One of the biggest issues with many other platforms is that they they deal with many silos. These silos tends to consume lots of network and other time which adds to the overall latency. IQLECT follows the converged model which avoids all unnecessary network hops. Further with our own proprietary NoSQL BangDB we achieve highest performance for ingestion. This coupled with unique IO Layer allows us to achieve the desired performance. More can be found @ the website
@webofnithin The platform has been designed to be data agnostic in nature which means it can deal with any kind of data. Most of the use cases are in the area of optimising the business through real time insights. For example; entire infrastructure monitoring for data centres or cloud providers, personalisation for ecommerce companies, security and fraud for transactions or payments etc. IQLECT's strength is in dealing with different kinds of data at a single place to solve some of the relevant and forward looking problems
IQLECT is a full stack platform with apps for real-time data analytics that breaks the conventional approach. The platform enables data visualization, predictive modeling, machine learning, data science, complex event processing, API integration, notifications and more on the SaaS platform without the need for coding.
@bhavyashree_srinivasan There are few key differentiators with other platforms or tools. Few are as follows;
a. IQLECT removes all tech silos, therefore improving the performance, manageability, cost and usage
b. Convergence allows lower latency and removes network hops which adds to performance which is of essence for the real time analysis
c. IQLECT performs data processing before it's indexed or persisted, unlike other platforms where it's first stored and reverse indexed (splunk). IQLECT also avoids post processing to great extent. This means IQLECT can find patterns, anomalies etc much faster than any of the other tools like splunk or ME
d. Further IQLECT focuses in predictive analysis rather than hind sight analysis
e. it's very simple to collect all sorts of data in a single place thus enabling some of the complex analysis in simple way. This avoids need for multiple tools etc
f. Also, ME is largely static tool where user doesn't have ability to extend or add
g.Finally, IQLECT is truly real time platform where the continuous processing of data is by default. On the other hand other tools have to execute queries to get the data
Was going through all the comments and seems like this solves almost all analytics problems in real time without burning one's pocket. Great product and solution team!