Clark Valberg

Do by InVision - The world's most versatile to-do app UI kit for PS & Sketch

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Clark Valberg
We're really proud to release the first follow-up to our incredibly popular Tethr UI kit ( With 130 beautifully-crafted screens, 10 themes and over 250 unique UI elements, Do is an endless source of creative inspiration for your next mobile project. Available for both Photoshop & Sketch -- and of course, absolutely FREE. Would love to know what you think, and can't wait to see what you create! -- Clark
Ahmet Sülek
this looks very handy @clarkvalberg congrats!
Clark Valberg
@ahmetsulek Thanks for the love!
Sagi Shrieber
Amazing kit!
Aaron Zakowski
Beautiful! You can always count on @InVisionapp to go above an beyond in providing value. Thanks @ClarkValberg
Matty Mariansky
@clarkvalberg This is beautiful work, like thr Tethr kit before it. Thanks for making such a useful resource free! If at all possible, could you expand more about how much investment goes into producing these kits? Also, aside from the obvious community and karma points, do they eventually also translate into user conversions?
Muhammad Saad Khan
Looks very interesting. Thanks for sharing @clarkvalberg :)
Yoav Anaki
This is amazing! Really love the designs. Would be very cool if you introduced a kit for web design as well :)
This is great!!! Thanks guys!
Marcel Akiyama
Looks really nice! Thanks for providing it for free.
Allan Berger
nice & clean kit!
Natalia Bokhonko
I kept an eye on this secret project on Dribbble since January. This Ui kit is really sexy and presentation made brilliant. I was convinced that you're building management app for designers. Have you thought about building real mobile app for designers? It would be great mobile supplement to web Invision app.
Clark Valberg
@nbbirds Actually we've been using the "secret project" in multiple contexts. So it's actually both -- and more as well. Sorry to be vague, stay tuned :)
Brad Wishen
Super useful, thanks!
Jimmy Flores
This is an absolute beauty of a set. Will grab and share it! Thanks!
Sol Weinreich
Wow @clarkvalberg and team continue to impress!
Adrian Phillips
Invision is just killing it right now, great stuff
Jason Shah
Nice product, and equally good name :)
Steven Hambleton
Any love for the desktop?
Edwin Espinosa
@clarkvalberg awesome! I have been a longtime invsion customer you guys kick ass. Is Illustrator support coming? Is there a reason why .psd gets so much love instead of .ai?
How long did it take for you to create/collect all of this?
Qasim Naqvi
had the UI kit via another website. Absolutely love it.
Clark Valberg
@drqasimnaqvi This one is exclusively available through InVision - crafted in-house...