hey Natia,
over the years, i've found wisdom nestled in unexpected corners and scribbled onto varied canvases. here are some gems i've picked along the way:
1. show up, consistently: consistency trumps intensity. it's about carving out small, manageable actions and sticking to them, not the all-in-one heroic efforts.
2. embrace the 'obvious': most truths are simple, not secret. yet, our fascination for the complex often blinds us to the magic of the mundane.
3. learning > winning: every outcome has something to teach. wins and losses are not endpoints, but waypoints in our journey of growth.
4. time > money: time is our most irreplaceable asset. every minute spent can't be bought back. treat it with respect.
5. kindness matters: a kind word, a patient ear, a warm smile - these small acts of kindness can light up the darkest corners. never underestimate their power.
6. don't fear 'no': 'no' is not a dead-end, but a redirection. it guides us towards new opportunities, fresh perspectives, different possibilities.
7. write: writing is thinking on paper. it clarifies your thoughts, sharpens your ideas, deepens your understanding. keep a journal, start a blog, write a letter.
but advice is just a guide, not a gospel. it's meant to nudge, not navigate. pick what resonates, leave what doesn't. your journey is uniquely yours.
Roast My Meal by Hoku