Auto generated "inspirational" quotations, powered by AI
Alexander Spirin
face2comics — A telegram bot that turns your photos into comics.
A simple telegram bot that turns your photos into comics and cartoons (cartoon style is made by Bryan Lee)
Simply send your photo and get a stylized result.
Alexander Spirin
Drop your results here. Let's see who looks best with those filters!
Earth Spacon
Always wanted to see how I'd look in comics. Thanks for the bot!
Alexander Spirin
@earth_spacon the other style is also fun!
Alex Fedorov
Very cool bot!
Alexander Spirin
@alex_fedorov6 thanks! It's more of a proof-of-concept before releasing a mobile app
Cristian Pădureac
Nice product!
Alexander Spirin
@moldotecko thanks, that's just gamma correcton im the algo! :D