Hi, My name is Vijay Anand and I am the guy behind Ideaspace. The problem that we are trying to solve (practising what we preach), is that there are quite a few entrepreneurs today chasing the same kind of companies all across the globe - thanks to the common watering hole we all drink from. While there are talks about bubbles and frothy valuations, there are still a ton of really pressing problems (and along with it opportunities) that we seem to be missing. I believe it was Guy Kawasaki who said, Entrepreneurship is not about skating to where the puck is, but skating to where the puck will be. Spotting problems, seemed like a way to get ahead of the game to get a sense of where the puck is heading towards - and also to create your own opportunities.
It is an experiment of sorts. It all started off with a shared google doc (which got vandalised) and we built this pretty basic system as a way to make it interactive and a framework to build a community around. Would love your thoughts, and criticisms.