Mike Gozzo

Help Scout for iPhone - Customer support software that fits in your pocket


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Mike Gozzo
We're really happy @HelpScout partners and customers at @SmoochLabs. For the past several months, not only have we been making it possible for Help Scout users to richly message their users on iOS, Android, Web and SMS. We've also been really happy customers, using their platform to mange our very active community. Today's iPhone app launch is hella awesome - it' s now so much easier to keep in touch with our users while we're on the go. Take a look!
Mo McKibbin
Hi everyone! It's Mo from @helpscout :) We’re pretty stoked to have launched our new iPhone app this morning. Here's all the cool stuff you can do with it: View a list of your Help Scout Mailboxes View all folders for incoming conversations Reply to customers and add Cc/Bccs Add notes to conversations Assign conversations to team members Change status on conversations Use and access search Contact our support team in app View notes from Docs and Beacon on convos Avoid eye contact with disappointing dates ;) Hope you enjoy it! If you have any questions please let me know, happy to answer them.
Ben Tossell
Awesome! Yay :)
Chris Brookins
Hey folks, Chris from @helpscout. Our engineering team put a lot into this app so please check it out and let us know how we did!
Chris Scott
Christopher Hopkins
Awesome stuff! We're big fans of @HelpScout here at thatcleanlife.com :)
Zac Davies
We use Helpscout and love it. Looking forward to Saved Replies making their way into a future update to this app.
Belle Beth Cooper
I've been hanging out for this ever since we started using Help Scout at Hello Code. Really excited to see it launch! @mo_mckibbin I'm getting regular crashes when viewing my inbox after viewing/changing a message—is this a known issue?
Mo McKibbin
@bellebcooper That sounds like a bug that we thought we nipped in beta, but from what you're saying it seems like it may be still on the loose! If you shoot an email to help@helpscout.com we'll get to the bottom of it and make sure it gets squashed for good.