The Cookie Guard allows you to transform your cookies to HTTP cookies, so you can avoid the unintended impact of Safari's Intelligent Tracking Prevention.
Hi Product Hunt!
We are working in the field of web analytics, A/B-testing and personalization and encountered some serious problems due to Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP).
We endorse Webkit in their goal to protect the privacy of users. The approach of ITP, however, has some major collateral damage which is, as far as we can understand, unintended.
With our cookie guard we want to help companies avoid the unintended impact of ITP by providing a solution to extend the lifetime of the cookies they use for web analytics, A/B-testing and personalization by setting them from HTTP requests.
What is Intelligent Tracking Prevention?
Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) aims to protect users from greedy third parties who create, enrich and sell user profiles based on cookies without the knowledge or consent of website owners and users. These cookies are created by small pieces of Javascript that are often executed “under the radar”.
To protect the user and provide control to the website owner, ITP limits the use of the cookies that are set through Javascript. This is great to protect against the harm of third parties, but it also impacts, as collateral damage, the use of web analytics and personalization.
HTTP cookies to the rescue
To avoid the impact of ITP, you can set your cookies with HTTP requests instead of with Javascript. These HTTP cookies can only be set with knowledge from the website owner, so the impact of secretive third parties is eliminated. That, together with the fact that a website needs cookies to function, is the reason ITP does not affect HTTP cookies.
How does it work?
There are a few simple steps you need to follow.
Explainer video's:
1. Cookie guard settings
2. Cookie guard check and use on the website
When you are in the dashboard, go to "Data Cleaning -> Cookie guard" and enter the name and duration of the cookies you want to transform to HTTP cookies.
Then go to "Data collection -> Domains". There you can add the domain you want to preserve your cookies on.
After that, you can go to "Data collection -> Owned tracking domains". The only thing you need to do now is check the box next to your domain.
Publish your changes. Make sure you check dev, qa and prod.
Then go to "Code center" in the left menu and copy/paste the tracking code. You should put this on your website.
The next step is to et a CNAME in your DNS records.
harvest-pipeline CNAME
This links the harvest-pipeline subdomain from your domain to our server. This way our server is linked to the same domain and HTTP cookies can be set.
After this is done, Harvest is loaded on your website, you have linked your tracking domain to our server with the CNAME record. The only thing you need to do now is trigger the cookie transformation. You can do this by executing the Javascript function:
Free use
You can make use of our software for free up to 15.000 cookie transformations per month.
Feedback and tips
We are happy to get feedback, so we can improve this feature. If you have any questions or tips, please contact us.