Anish Thite

GiftBot: Love Edition - Valentines Day gift help from a GPT-3 chatbot


On one side a bot asks you questions about the recipient, and searches an Amazon API to recommend gifts. Overall gift ideas generated by the LLM are also shown in case you don't want to buy from Amazon. As the bot learns more about you it can narrow down the types of products you want to buy.

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Anish Thite
Hi! We launched an earlier version of this during the holidays, and now we're back for Valentine's Day! We took the feedback from the last iteration and updated pretty much everything. A ton of people (myself included) have issues with figuring out what gift to buy for people. The problem is often I have no idea how to go about figuring out what to buy, or what questions I should be answering to decide what to get. So, I made a bot that can ask follow-up questions in order to help us reason about this. The left side has a chatbot UI. It remembers the history of the conversation and can ask you questions to figure out what products to recommend. After every question/answer the LLM generates a search query on a third-party Amazon API to recommend gifts. Overall gift ideas generated by the LLM are also shown in case you don't want to buy from Amazon. As the bot learns more about you it can narrow down the types of products you want to buy.
Eddie Forson
Congrats on launching! Also great idea to put out this product ahead of Valentines 😉. I've just tried it out and found it useful. The chatbot does good follow up. I'd suggest you make sure the text/chat on the left hand side of the screen is also auto-scrolled to the latest message. Currently I have to manually scroll down so it impacts the experience. What are your next steps with Giftbot?
Naveed Rehman
so in gpt, that g isn't gift? 🤔 lol cool app, thanks for making and sharing it. tell me why i shouldn't use chatgpt for this task?
@naveed_rehman well for one i don't think chatgpt can show you products from Amazon like giftbot does