Gideon: AI Assistant on WhatsApp
WhatsApp AI for Life, Study, Work, Socialize & Travel.
Jose Bedran
Gideon — WhatsApp AI for life, study, work, socialize & travel
Meet Gideon: your AI-powered companion on WhatsApp. Streamlining tasks, aiding in academics, enhancing work productivity, and enriching social interactions. Seamlessly navigate life and travel with Gideon's comprehensive assistance.
Jose Bedran
As the creator of Gideon, I initially developed this AI to streamline my own daily activities. I was amazed at the efficiency and ease it brought to my life! Realizing its potential, I decided to share Gideon with you all. Now, life's adventures, studies, work, and travel can be seamlessly navigated with this comprehensive AI assistant. Excited to launch Gideon on WhatsApp! #AIForLife
Carter Wang
Impressive! Check and email me your app details and I can also help get your app listed on my directory and other 100+ AI director ries.
Zaynab Grey
This is an excellent idea! I've given it a +1 upvote and a +1 follow. Good luck! Additionally, I recommend using Copysafe AI to protect your application seamlessly and effectively.