
Trim - Show IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings on Netflix, PrimeVideo


Trim shows IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic ratings on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and many other video streaming services. Features: -Show popular genres. -Sort items in the grid view of Netflix. -Remove any item from the grid view of Netflix.

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Trim is a browser extension which shows IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings on Netflix, PrimeVideo and other streaming services. Trim can filter out movies or TV shows based on their rating, release year, etc. Trim also shows popular hidden genres of Netflix and allows you to sort or hide movies on Netflix. Trim is available on Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Edge.
Abishek Muthian
@goodmovies_aps Congratulations on the launch! Trim could be addressing the need-gap: 'Show IMDB, RT ratings on any website' posted on my problem validation forum - . You're welcomed to explain there about how Trim could address that problem, So those who need it can find Trim easily.
Ignacio Rivas
Nice job! I did this exacty browser extension back in 2016 and sold it in 2018 for a few thousand euros. Its a fun project, keep it up!
Anastasia Mikeyeva
Is it going to work with official apps?
Ryan Hoover
IMDB ratings are the most trustworthy imo. At least it's good at flagging bad movies (usually anything below 6.0).
Naveed Rehman
It is a very interesting project. I was just thinking if you can add some social aspects to this extension too. For example, what my friends think about a movie, what they're watching, etc. Anyways, thank you for sharing it, and congratulations on the launch! Upvoted and now following you for more updates. Follow me to get notified about my comments, hunts and products :)
Rational Health
Can you add metacritic ratings?
@health_rational Trim supports Metacritic ratings as well as IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes.
Nice extension. Which api's are you using for imdb, rotten tomatoes? And how much does it cost for you to use their APIs?