Daniel Clevenger

What is your end of day routine?


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Jay Almaraz
Close the rings 🏃‍♂️
Yara Matiash
Mint tea :)
Jenny Zhai
Review my to-do list and then prep tasks for the next say so I can log in tomorrow and kick start the day straightaway
Elsie Moore
A book read aloud on YouTube. We are Top Rated Financial Advisors.
Jade Mackenzie
A walk with my dog to stretch, get some fresh air and steps in, clear my head and transition properly from work-mode into family-mode :)
Leanne Binsell
30 mins of mindful meditation
Ghost Kitty
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Emily jose
We all are in love with the smoky aroma coming out of a campfire. Just think about this mind-blowing smell infused into the tender and juicy beef brisket you ever had. You need to smoke the meat, and you are all done. Have you ever bothered to think how it can be accomplished exactly? Smoking meat for beginners is not a piece of cake at all. It is not as easy as grilling burgers or brats. You must carry out various steps to get the work done because smoking food is not the same as cooking it. After reading this smoking guide, I assure you that you will completely understand the different types of smokers and the science behind barbecuing. Regards: smoking food
Jade Mackenzie
Thought this might be of interest to the folks in this discussion: https://hbr.org/2017/11/how-to-l...