Martin Baun

What do you believe is the best thing to do when facing a creative block or a lack of motivation ?


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Morgan Lucas
Put it down for a few hours or days. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is something else. Let your brain figure it out in the background.
Svitlana Palamarchuk
Hi Martin, When facing a creative block or a lack of motivation, I find it helpful to take a step back and change my environment. This could be as simple as taking a walk, reading a book, or doing something that relaxes you. Often, our best ideas come when we're not actively trying to think of them.
Martin Baun
@svitlana_palamarchuk Hey thank you for your opinion! I also think changing the environment and engaging in relaxing activities can help overcome creative blocks and boost motivation. It's in those moments that fresh inspiration and ideas can emerge.
When facing a lack of motivation, overwhelming tasks can further reduce our enthusiasm. Break down our work into smaller, manageable steps. We need to focus on accomplishing one step at a time, celebrating our progress along the way. By tackling smaller tasks, we can build momentum and regain motivation.
Martin Baun
@neha_joshi8 Thanks, I agree with you. Breaking tasks into smaller steps, focusing on one at a time, and celebrating progress can really be an effective way to regain motivation.
Nicola Vargiu
Hey Martin! Learn a new random skill that is not related to your job (basically out of your comfort zone). It helps for me ๐Ÿ˜‡
Nicola Vargiu
@tigerteamx what do you usually do Martin? Iโ€™m curious ๐Ÿ˜„
Martin Baun
@nicola_vargiu As you can see from my bio, I am the creator of TigerTeamX. Every day, I make tasks for the employees and, of course, for myself. I've been doing some Twitter engagements recently, and I'm also creating YouTube content for my journey there. I have three websites in which I aim to benefit the community while still making a profit for myself. I joined here recently and the community here is just amazing. I love how people are here always trying to help one another. How about you?
Clear your head. Take a nap. Go on a walk. Journal.
Zhao Naomi
Check my account balance! If there are sufficient funds, I would tell myself why not do something risky but fun thing with the project? If not, it'll be my best motivation. ๐Ÿ˜‚
Julien Fayad
a walk in the park. I live in Paris, so I just walk around and look the monuments... I never get enough of it and it fills up my creative juices :-)
Martin Baun
@julien_fayad I'm so keen of you actually. I would love to visit Paris someday. Glad to know you know what to do in these sittuations.
Savannah Scott
When faced with a creative block or lack of motivation, try changing your environment or routine. Sometimes a simple shift in scenery or trying something new can stimulate fresh ideas and reignite your enthusiasm.
I find either building something with your hands or going for a walk in nature completely eliminates these problems
Igor Lysenko
Stop, relax and think about what you are working on and why. Goal setting is a very important part.
There's no such thing called best thing to tackle creative block as it varies from person to person. Some things that can work: 1) Go for a walk. 2) Hear good music you like. 3) Read something that's outside of your niche or vice versa. 4) Watch something creative. Could even be films. Hope this helps! โ˜บ
Othmane Khadri
Physical exercise. I've been writing daily content on LinkedIn for the past 6monhts. I never missed a single day, and well when I don't have any ideas I: Train, and honestly, I get hit by 3-6 fresh new topics, insights perspectives.
Bedford West
Hi Martin! As founders, one thing I believe we can do to inspire motivation or new ideas is chatting with potential customers or users. Sometimes we just need to "get outside" of our own heads for a bit, and speaking with other humans, particularly those which might be our target users, is a great way to benefit ourselves and our company!
Heleana Grace
Hi, Martin! I'd say taking a break works for me. When things get overwhelming, grinding through them and trying to push through only creates more frustration, so sometimes it's best for me to just stop for an hour and do something else. When we're producing a video, we have a lot of different tasks we need to take care of, so there's always something for me to redirect my focus to.
Martin Baun
@heleana I totally agree. 1 hour breaks can sometimes really help clear the mind and start again fresh and focused.
Manab Boruah
Go for a walk, sit in silence. Sometimes taking a bath helps me ๐Ÿ˜…
Do something else. Forcing yourself is not very effective in my opinion. Instead, I'd do something else where you can make progress right away and come back to it later.
Vlad Golub
When creativity eludes you, just take a break and indulge in a pint of ice cream or binge-watch your favorite show๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ“บ
Renat Abyasov
The main thing is not to blame yourself for it. So, for example, I like to go for a walk or do sports. But when I do this, I don't think, "I need to work now", but I allow myself to rest. Is it possible to reduce motivation because you have not been successful in your work for a long time? I always try to catch small victories and praise myself for them.
Akanksha ~ Prodactivate
I would suggest going on a walk or just spending time alone with your thoughts :)
Andrรฉ J
Determination > Motivation