
What book are you reading right now?

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David Senra
A biography on the father of modern advertising: The Man Who Sold America: The Amazing Story of Albert Lasker and The Creation of the Advertising Century.
Alexey Shashkov
«Traction: How Any Startup Can Achieve Explosive Customer Growth» by Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares Trying to find a good channel of Traction for Getlanding.io
Benoit Chambon
"Quantum physics", E. Schroedinger. You?
Tahsin Ahmed
William smiths "Desert God" you ?
Tahsin Ahmed
@tapsi what's this book about ?
@tahsin52225 It's a story of four new customers each of whom is hoping to take advantage of a cafe's time-travelling offer.
Modern Monetary Theory by Stephanie Kelton. A great read!
Chandan Maruthi
Obviously Awesome by April Dunford on Positioning
Яна Саковская
Frank Herbert "Dune". Wanna finish at least half bedore watching movie
Andra Coros
Again, the power of now! :D
Waqar Wasti
Traction by Gino Wickman. Great frameworks on setting a processes and direction on starting your company Cheers :) Waq
Nicholas Glickman
I am currently reading Frankenstein's book. Then I found this book thanks to the service https://studymoose.com/frankenstein. I came across an essay and decided to read the book later. It is a splendid epistolary Gothic novel. I often read essays about this book and every time I am surprised that people think differently about this novel. Great service, of course. I would like you to advise me something else, maybe a similar book? I like novels, as you probably already guessed, or short stories. I would be very grateful if you could send me a whole list of books to read, which would be enough for a long time, thanks!
@nicholassglickman Frankenstein is one of my favorites! You can read 'Beloved' if you like a little gothic vibe.