Nurlan Nurmanov

Product Hunt launch tips (based on stats)

Let's do some data analysis. Here is a link to PH launch statistics starting from Jan 1, 2021. The most popular day to launch is still Tuesday. But I would recommend not selecting Tuesday as when everybody is shouting you may not be heard. The average number of product launches per day approximately equals 37. The PH day is always busy, plan carefully your launch. The least number of launches is surprisingly on Saturdays. Based on # of upvotes, Sunday is expected to have the minimum activity, but it is not dead. People browse PH even on Sundays. PH never sleeps:) IMO, PH uses # of comments in their algorithm, the average number of comments on #1 product of the day is 117. Mere upvotes are not enough, you have to have engaged users. The launch time is still important. If you missed the recommended time, which is before 00:30 PST you still have plenty of chances to make it to #1, but you have to launch before 04:00PST after your chances drop significantly. Using or not using gif as thumbnails on the products does not significantly contribute to your success. Maybe you don't need to spend time creating gifs. The same applies to videos (Surprise!) Having a hunter and maker are the same person or hunter is one of the makers adds good odds to the success of your product. 71.1% of such products made to #1 spot and 88.2% made to top 5 products list. Solo makers are the most represented. Note # of maker's followers is not the critical success factor. There are some makers who had successful launches having less than 20 followers. Should you ask a hunter to hunt your product? Although there are cases, when makers made it to the top with a small number of followers, the numbers tend to say yes. This is a common thing with any social network, if you have a large user base then you have more visibility. There is one more stat Distribution of the Number of Products Made by Hunters whose products have been ranked as the #1 Product of the Day, and it says that If you are a hunter and did 20 and less than 20 products then 93.33% of your product could make to the top. That tells you to keep trying.

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Chandan Maruthi
Very well written and detailed. Thanks for sharing this @nurlan_nurmanov
Alex Freas
Very interesting! The conventional wisdom seems to be that Tuesday is the best launch day, but really Wednesday and Thursday are super close behind. No sleep indeed 🚀
Nurlan Nurmanov
@sashimiblade Numbers don't lie:) Fun fact. I was looking for recommendation what would be the best day and time to send a cold email to CEOs, it was Sunday, evening. These guys don't sleep either:)
Lior Galante Cohen (Vaza)
Thank you for sharing this data with everyone! We're currently working towards our launch and this information will come in very handy when we have to make the decision on when exactly to launch. It was quite surprising to see the statistics about GIFs and videos!
Nurlan Nurmanov
@lior_galante_cohen_vaza_ Hey Lior, good luck with your planned launch! Let me know when you launch so I could checkout your product.
Amanda Tunner
Hi Nurlan, these statistics are pretty interesting, I think these tips will help me so much for the upcoming launch this week. If you have time, please take a look at our upcoming page:
Evgeny Medvednikov
Day of the week matters. Yesterday on Monday we were product #1 - So we got our 500th vote by 3pm EST, but today the first product got their 500th vote at 11.30am. That proves that by Mondays you will get less upvotes and less traffic to your site. Makes sens for planning.
Nurlan Nurmanov
@5harath Did some analysis, what do you say?
Askar Aituov
Nice post man!
Pierre Kraus
Thanks for sharing! I was very surprised about the fact that the video didn't have more of an impact on the success of the launch. For the launch day, I think it depends on your strategy: if you are confident in your product and aiming for product of the week/month a busy day is probably the best choice (Tuesday). But if you're testing the waters and trying to make it to product of the day it might be easier on a day with less traffic (Sunday).
Igor Ranc
Thanks, this was really useful! Saving it!
Harry Kooros
Super useful info! Thanks Nurlan
Johann Molinari
Super interesting, thanks for sharing Nurlan!
Lalit Tyagi
Nurlan amazing tip and quite honest a big positive energy I got it, I just joined the PH community I never joined it here. We are trying to launch our B2B SaaS product and don't have more followers. I just started contributing here it will take time to build the network. But amazing tips and input. I will follow it.
Lalit Tyagi
@nurlan_nurmanov Thanks,PH does have really great community. regardless of industry they always extend help to support. I am amazed to see this. I will definitely take your advice and will surely let you know. I am just trying to think when to put it here. It's one bullet either it will hit or fail. So just have that feeling or fear LOL
Daniel Baum
Super interesting, thanks for sharing! Wonder why Tuesday is the best... maybe people need a distraction after a tough Monday!
Bharat Pasam
This information is great for my upcoming launch. Thanks for sharing.
Johny Bram
hm i don't think about it(
Atul Ghorpade
Very informative. Thanks for sharing.