Motivation and discipline are like a dynamic duo on the path to success. Motivation ignites the spark, while discipline keeps the flame burning when motivation falters. Together, they form a formidable force for achieving goals.
I think once you figure out motivation, discipline follows. That statement is inspired by Physiqonomics' text about motivation:
Motivation is like a unicorn – fickle and terribly timid. The more you chase it or try to hunt it down, the further it runs from you. And the only way to court it is to show up and not pay it any attention.
Yes, I'm asking you to play hard to get with motivation. Because while motivation is timid, it's also extremely proud. And by refusing to pay it any attention, it'll want to come to you.
This is why, even on the days I don't want to write, or I'm struggling to write: I show up, sit my ass down, and get started. Even if that means a three hour-long staring contest with a blank screen. So be it.
Eventually, as hard as it is, you find yourself getting in the zone and wanting to continue – that's because motivation has shown up.
But you have to start, first.
Because here's the thing: People think they have to wait for motivation to show up. But really, motivation is waiting for you to show up.
I love the closing statement and it changed a lot how I approach certain things. :)
Discipline, no matter what. Motivation is just like a first step, but discipline will take you further when is next to impossible to take another step.
I think passion for the work you are doing is the most important. If you have passion, then motivation easily follows. Discipline is critical to make sure that you do the work that is important and not just urgent.
Firstly, I think motivation is necessary. If you are well motivated then discipline comes along. Although for certain recurring tasks it is hard to find the motivation once it becomes redundant.
For me, motivation is crucial when setting the goals, but to achieve them - discipline. You can run on motivation only so far. It doesn't kick in at will and tends to waver when you hit major challenges or are just having a shitty day.
You're going to need a fair amount of both.
Motivation can get you started initially, but with every startup you'll be hit with obstacle after obstacle. And sometimes it'll be an obstacle avalanche. You need a heavy degree of discipline to keep your head up & keep going in the face of that.
It seems that discipline is necessary to achieve anything, even motivation! Because when it lights up, you have to support it. Here's a nice article on this topic -
By the way, we've launched Able today - an affirmation app that aims to keep that motivation up. I would be really happy to hear your thoughts!
Both are important. But I think motivation is more important. If you have discipline with no motivation you won't get anywhere. But if you have motivation with no discipline you can still achieve things. Also, sometimes letting go of your discipline and letting yourself ride on a wave of motivation for a particular task can help you get more done I find!
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