Richard Fang

How do you kick off your Mondays to start the week?


Do you do anything special or just treat it like every other day?

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Louise Bayssat
Hi @richardfliu! My Monday morning ritual: - 30 min yoga - A nice breakfast - Open my computer around 8:30am and launch Hera ( to check in my meetings of the day and kick off my week!
Eivind Håverstad
Hi @richardfliu. Great Mondays normally start on Sundays by taking a quick view of my calendar to plan my next week. Mondays, I try to wake up early before everyone else, get some exercise, and meditation. That said, this is my goal. I often find my self missing one or more of those three goals, which results in procrastination (:/) Hard truth:)
Richard Fang
@eivindhaa That's a really cool schedule! How long do you usually meditate for?
Eivind Håverstad
@richardfliu Thanks! I tend to meditate for 10 minutes a day. More than 10 minutes, I find it hard to retain the schedule over a longer period. What about your Mondays?
Richard Fang
@eivindhaa Haha I usually just write up a trello board of my to dos for that week 😊 Don't have as vigorous of a schedule like everyone else has !
I open 7/8 new tab with my favorite design news website and take my coffee while learning and staying update :)
@eugenia_russell You welcome, you will discover a lot of thing by doing this; By the way if you want my own source, mp me :)
Richard Fang
@jacquelinclem Haha i love this! What site do you use?
@richardfliu here is my top website : - - (this one is so cool) - - - (love this one so much, there is a newsletter available too) - - + Twitter and Instagram :) Twitter is really nice if you follow the right people, while instagram is more random and decoratif.
Utsha Sarker
Awakening exercises to boost energy for the day.
Chandan Das
check one motivational video/song/quotes :)
Every friday, i have a list of phone calls ready to call on Monday and do that vigorously :) Whom to call? What to say? what problems do we solve and why we should be given a chance! Helps me understand customer pain points and their lingo. Find more customer segments and also keep refining my pitch each time
Eivind Håverstad
@nilova_pande Hi Nilova. Really interesting method! Do you schedule customer interviews for this type of calls?
@eivindhaa Yes Eivind, I use LinkedIn and Calendly for setting up these calls. Of course there are many other ways and tools!
Evan Stites-Clayton
This is a weirdly topical question for our launch today. We created a tool to help make sure you get your morning right (Autopilot). It's particularly important on Mondays since in the same way that the morning sets the tone for the day, the monday can set the tone for the week. I resonate with people who said it starts on Sunday though. I like to do a goal setting and general week envisioning. But also - my "mondays" often fall on thursdays, fridays, and tuesdays, because I use non-traditional 4 day long weeks, which I have found are better for productivity.
Richard Fang
@the_esc That's a pretty cool non-traditional way of doing things. Good luck with the launch also, I gave it an upvote :)!
Vlad Dribas
I start week on Sunday, so Monday becomes just a usual day. On Sundays, while everyone else are resting, you can put things in order and nobody bothers you. And Monday (which anyway is start day of working week) is less stressful.
Richard Fang
@dribas That's a cool mindset!
Emma Phượng Nguyễn
My Monday day is similar to everyday. I am trying to train myself with daily habits. Sometimes, I takes off a little bit.
Sourabh Goyal
I do a weekly planning on Sunday night itself. Monday is a no big deal if can remove the concept of weekends from our mind. There are days and we can take everyday as same and do our best. Did you know according to a Gallup Study 84% of people globally hate there jobs and mostly these are people who hate to start the Monday. If starting a new week gives you pain its time to thing about your work and find something that is more exciting.
Grisel Dugarte
I totally love Mondays, its one of my favorite days, I just feel is a refresh of everything, I try to keep this positive mindset, I feel is crucial to stay motivated and full of the energy I need for the goals ahead! I usually start checking out the priorities tasks on our common board. Also a great cup of tea + me-time with nice music just before going to the office helps!
Vinny Maxwell
@gd77 did you know there is a medicine to help in weight loss without side effects check out -
Big Rocket
It's all about that to do list... On paper! Old skool!
Tommy Fang
Setting goals for the week as a team!
Shivam Ramphal
A hyped-up team meeting. Getting everyone on the same page and tackling the weeks objectives and goals 🔥🔥🔥
Benoit Chambon
Planing the tasks of the week + prepare emails + checking specific news on socials ;)
Prateek Mathur
Build a plan on Friday to get the week started right.
Eduard F
The same as I kick off every day, I grab my coffee and go for a walk in the park 🌲. That's my moment of silence before I dive in my ToDos.
Nicholas Schaar
Hello @richardfliu. Like others have mentioned, I think that Sunday evening is critical for a great start of the week. Typically I wind down with a cup of tea and review the items that our team and myself personally are looking to work on and accomplish for the week. It helps to have that information in the back of your mind... sometimes I even dream about a solution that we're working on! In terms of mindset, as @gd77 mentioned as part of the pattern of getting the most of a Monday, making Monday one of your favorite days can be huge. A lot of people think about Monday as a drag, or if you've ever seen Office Space "a case of the Moondays" 😂. Taking on any task with the intent of having fun and being productive will at least make it more enjoyable, if not also more productive. Mondays are no different.
Ari Cohen
I try to always have a set layout of things needing to be done throughout the week, so hopefully that is done. From there, always starting off the week with a good routine is key