We use it for all our projects whether it's for finding users, mention monitoring or market/comp research, it's still so damn underrated.
However, it was always annoying having to find the relevant threads and comments manually so we built Surfkey.io for this use case :)
Some subreddits I have a great experience with:
+ there's always at least 1 extra good subreddit in your specific niche.
@olatz_urrutia it honestly depends on the stage. For early-stage companies I think it's amazing for initial growth and also market research. For more established ones I'd mostly see it used for brand monitoring.
For fun? Or for marketing?
I have not tried reddit ads. But for marketing, I'd say focus on comments rather than posts, they're much less likely to be removed by mods.
I post under a lot of AI related stuff, especially pertaining to stable diffusion with evoke-app.com
@richard_gao2 Right now it'd be discovering for marketing and also to see how it works. Okay, get it, thanks for the info! Do you find it easy to use? And also is it worth it for you?
@olatz_urrutia Most social media sites are easy to use. And yes, it has been quite worth it for us. I'd say most of our customers come from me being active on reddit.
Looking to get into paid ads soon though haha
I do, a little. I primarily just use it as an alternate place to get away. I have learned to avoid controversial subjects though. Some just can't "discuss" things.
Here are few tips
1. Before posting increase your karma by commenting on others post
2. Choose your subreddits: Subreddits are communities focused on specific topics or interests.
3. Participate in discussions: you can browse posts and comment on them to join the conversation. You can also submit your own posts to share content or ask questions.
Tried using Reddit for starting a community. If you're doing it with a business intention in mind it's tough. You really need to give valuable advice. Otherwise your karma points don't rise, you get flagged if you're trying promotions. I think it's a long game to build your community across multiple sub-reddits. But it's my go to place for getting unbiased intel on the market.
Hey, Olatz. Reddit has it's pros and cons. One of the pros is that you get to have in-depth discussions. However, it's very hard to do any promotion on there as the Bots are a little too sensitive.
Starting it is super easy. Just create a profile and join threads your interested in! Most threads won't allow you to post anything or do any prominent activities until you've accumulated enough points.
I have just started using, it really depends in for what purpose you want to use. Best approach would be to start with topics of interest, contribute and build a community- slow and steady. Are you planning to start soon?
@jyoti_kanabar I'm planning to start soon, but wanted to know if it's worth it. Now that I've seen this comments we'll be starting soon. Our purpose would be to discover how we could use it to create a community, offer our content and of course to get people to know us!
I actually wrote a blog all about how to use Reddit to find customers. It goes over how to find subreddits, how to approach Reddit users (they are a different breed) and some tools you can use to make this easier!
Reddit is weird, because of the sheep mentality, and that can influence if your posts go bad or good.
It happened so many times to post something and there was just that one guy who wanted to comment even if they didn't get the idea, but because they got the upvotes, activated the sheep mentality and the people automatically agreed with that guy, even if they were wrong.
Later on, it was clear and they apologized, though, the post was ruined.
I was happy to see that not all of them are like that, and some actually understand what they're reading/seeing.
Though most of them are there for Karma farm and attention, it can be a good platform to promote your product or business, but it's really hard.
@chris_sarca Wow! Thanks for the info... seems a bit complicated, but I guess we should try it to see if it's woth it for us. But I'm taking your advices!
I am more of a lurker on Reddit but it's a great place to find out what topics everyone is interested in and what's the general consensus about them. Although if I'm going to use it for marketing, I'll have to make sure it's not the only platform I look at, since the opinions there can often be completely different from, for example, Twitter.
I just wrote a guide on how to use it for marketing your products (especially tech products) - https://antichurn.substack.com/p.... Do let me know your thoughts